o/t tracey shaw
Re: o/t tracey shaw
2 days seems reasonable for me getting Bodie and Doyle mixed up.
What Ace? Not sending me down the block? Governors report for you lad. Slacking on punishments
PS to JJ PO not as in post office but as in prison officer. References were made to the film Scum starring Ray Winstone. Popular culture? No never mind.
Name and number to the governer. Quiet on the twos etc. Your on report you b***k Br****n slag
What Ace? Not sending me down the block? Governors report for you lad. Slacking on punishments
PS to JJ PO not as in post office but as in prison officer. References were made to the film Scum starring Ray Winstone. Popular culture? No never mind.
Name and number to the governer. Quiet on the twos etc. Your on report you b***k Br****n slag
Re: o/t tracy shaw
Tee hee! I love to see Gobble Strudle getting a whack! He posts on Uncle Bens forum a bit and dislikes the hilarious posts of Dr Pam Javellin so he must be a wrong 'un.
Re: o/t tracy shaw
*tsk* It's Javelin with one 'l'. And I can't recall ever objecting to 'her' or indeed any of the comedy characters in the land of Dover.