Rates Debate

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by SxciiSooky »

As I said before, rather than solely focusing on one example of her earlier work and dismissing her as nothing other than an "FHM model" to go do your research and see some of her other work

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Re: Rates Debate

Post by Spakatoon »

I think if agencies were used more by serious producers it would weed out the man and his cam routine. And maybe the industry might grow a little too as it would be better run. But i do not see that occurring in the foreseeable future.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

why dont you post some of her other work??

in fact show us all what a great agent you are post links to work YOU got her

please do.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

according to this great blog there is one company you have booked her work with here in the UK that she already shot with in the US.

great going agent lol
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by SpannerProductions »

Hi Spakatoon,

I agree that agencys would be a good idea if they could be run as professionally as the ones in the US appear to be - also of course an agency starting off here would have to do a damn good job and be proven to have the models/producers etc's best interests at heart - unfortunately there appears to be too many people in the industry that are just looking to make a quick buck which is fair enuff but that would soon be noticed and they would fold fairly quickly - at the risk of a kick in the nuts,maybe somebody well established who doesn't necessarily need the cash and has a good rep might look at taking on such a project - it would certainly have to be a labour of love for somebody fully commited to the industry - I think the problem with this kind of thing though, is that with the ease of use of the internet, self build sites, the likes of PS and GF, This forum, AIR & UKAP to mention only a few, the models themselves (especially the newbies) with a bit of savvy, some decent pics etc can pretty much promote themselves - some will do it right and get the work, some might need guidance from more experienced performers/producers who are willing to help - and some will fail and fall by the wayside - However, To get back to the origonal thread subject of rates - IMO, I think the decision by UKAP a few years back to agree with its members a set rate was a good one, and even with inflation/recession and other economical factors considered they cant be far wrong with figures they agreed , it also acts as a guideline for newer models - from my wifes experience 'Storm' when she first started out getting your rates right was a nightmare to get right,so in that instance an agency would be a good idea - lets be honest, pretty much all of the big names have a set fee in mind when they advertise for a shoot and the model either agrees and gets the job or doesn't agree and moves on - it seems to be the more (please excuse the expression) amateur or semi pro photographers or producers that ask for hourly rates these days - normally as it seems that at first they are not 100% sure of what they want to do and the rate quoted by the model makes up their minds for them . Yes the big names get the big bucks but they earn it and deserve it with the perfomances and dedication they have for the industry , but that doesnt mean the newbies or any other less well known model should sell themselves short too - with 'storm' we look at each work offer on an individual basis and if the rates right then off she goes and does her thing !grin! if the rate is too low , then a polite message exchange often results in a more sensible offer or she says no - if the rate is huge then we just smile and keep stum.

Please excuse any spelling mistakes etc .

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Re: Rates Debate

Post by mybeautifultease »

Spakatoon wrote:
I am actually all for agencies. I think it is a safer and better way to run things. Far more professional. But apparently I stand quite alone on that opinion. It would save a lot of messing about and cancellations both ends of the spectrum.

I think if agencies were used more by serious producers it would weed out the man and his cam routine. And maybe the industry might grow a little too as it would be better run. But i do not see that occurring in the foreseeable future.

I agree Spakatoon, I stand with you :)

Is it just me or has this debate gone way off topic and become fairly tedious.

Kind Regards

t: twitter.com/pervlens
w: www.pervlens.com
w: www.mybeautifultease.com
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by chloecruize »

argh! i just spent ages writing out a reply, only for my internet to drop out and i lost it all.

Paul- your a gem! x

juststartingpov- it looks like you have alot of questions and assumptions about me, so ill answer what i can honestly for you now :)

firstly, the adultwork shoot your talking about was shot back in august i think, and uploaded in October. i was freelancing then, therefore sooky didnt book it in. he actually paid above industry rates, especially considering it was only a BJ.

As for my US work, i have shot for most of the large porn companies in LA, and done test shoots with Suze Randall ( a name you might want to know if your serious about this industry) i was booked in to play Tiger Wood's wife in one of the parodies ( had to cancel as my test hadnt come back in time) and have been told i have a penthouse usa magazine shoot when i return. i have had excellent reviews of the scenes ive done, and have had great feedback on my on set work ethic.

regarding my glamour work (why this is a concern of yours i dont know?!) i have done magazine spreads for the past 5 or so years, ive had several covers, including Hustler Australia and been published in NZ, Aus and the UK. some magazines will pay ?500, others have paid ?1500.

now. since you seem to have a huge issue with my use of an agent, i will try and explain it for you. Sooky doesnt represent any other models as yet, it actually started out as a "see what happens" type situation with her. She knows what i want in my porn career, and understands the UK industry better than i do, she has more contacts, and saves me alot of time playing email ping pong, therefore, i see her as a great part in my potential here in the Uk, and for that, im happy to give her a percentage of my bookings. its a choice i have, it works for both of us, and considering freelancing- the offers i was getting from people, dare i say it, like you, who would email asking to book in some POV hooker on camera "dont worry, its not for publication" type shoots or fucking some uncerted ,overweight, hairy backed guy for ?100. no thanks.
Sooky on the other hand has had my calender almost 100% booked out for this month with decent scenes with well known companies at good rates, and i have enjoyed every minute of it. so much so, i have actually postponed my US trip for a few extra weeks (if not more!)

i suggest you read a few more forums before jumping down peoples throats about things you dont know a whole lot about. at least i admit i dont know much about the UK industry- thats WHY i prefer having Sooky! :)

Chloe Conrad
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

well i do know a lot about the UK industry having booked plenty of models who will appear on my website when it is launched i dont need to prove anything to anyobody it wil be live when its live.

i have NEVER emailed you to work with me nor would i.

see my other post about booking models with certs LESS than 20 days old

as for booking a hooker to do POV shoots where or when did you see me do that?? i think you confuse me with the guy who booked YOU to do a POV blow job scene for the wonderful hooker filled website Adtultwork. None of my shoots will be posted on there so go figure whatever your talking about...did he tell you he had a website when he booked you lol.

As for my problem with your so called agent who isnt really an agent you could of called the one company you have worked for yourself and kept all the money couldnt you??

I have no issue whatsoever with your FHM style shoots blah blah blah cos if you READ all the responses on here you will see i never brought that up at all i simply answered it.

My problem is not with you

its not even with your so called hard working agent who got you one company to work for.

Its with models talking about they get this and that over the pond and how agents work ohhh so well for them over there with higher rates.

Thats good go work there then and stop pissing on the few hard working UK producers who quite frankly pay what they can and offer as much work as they can or should they all just pay the US rate you quote to every model then go out of business. I think not.

I just wonder how come the likes of Kerry Louise,Shay Hendrix,Katie Kaliana,Isabel Ice to name a few have never as far as i have seen come on a public forum and try to belittle the UK producers rates and talk about how wonderful the US is..maybe they are too busy to be arsed or maybe they have a lot more class than that.

You could learn a lot from Kerry Louise or Isabel Ice(sadly retired now)
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by chloecruize »


"i have NEVER emailed you to work with me nor would i."

"Author: juststartingpov
Date: 03-13-10 19:26

I was wanting to book you Chloe since seeing you do POV shoots here http://blogs.adultwork.com/davelooking4fun2008

But now reading this i would imagine your rates are out of my league but i doubt you were paid US rates for an Adultwork page surely not????

Could you email me your rates please


really? what was that message all about then?!

i REALLY dont understand your nasty ass attitude.seriously. this thread wasnt even started by me, yet you have taken it apon yourself to attack me for having a view, one which is clearly justified when girls are shooting bg for ?100.

if your problem is not with me, nor my UK agent, i have to wonder why its all directed at us...

i never belittled UK producers agents, in fact, i am getting work at what i consider fair rates for here, and am happy. what i DO have issues with are these fake 'producers' claiming to be shooting for their own personal use (hooker much?) or shooting substandard pov scenes and wanting to pay the model rediculasly low rates.