Rates Debate

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

i do respect her opinion but from my research this was posted in October last year

So from then to now she wants to critisise how we in the UK pay models when it is quite clear she started where most or some of us have then got a one trip to the US and now you want to change the way things are done here

It smells of GONE TO ONES head to me dont you think??

Sxcciisooky did you book her that shoot as well??? if you did your a wonderful example of an agent..do every shoot you can and take a cut..fantastic!

Models can book shoots without the help of any agent its quite simple and effective so the model keeps ALL of her money not pass part of her fee on to someone making calls on her behalf.

OEJ i know exactly what your saying regarding Derek but he is and has been in a unique position for many years and obviously runs a tight ship etc good on him but it will never work here since most models i have met dont want an agent taking part of the money they earn i think its as simple as that really.

I dont see the likes of Kerry Louise or Shay Hendrix complaining about rates here in the UK and both have been to the US with Derek to name but two.

simply put there is a higher rate of pay in the US for obvious reasons

there are differing rates here in the UK

If you do both places then just adapt & dont moan about it

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Re: Rates Debate

Post by SxciiSooky »

"Sxcciisooky did you book her that shoot as well??? if you did your a wonderful example of an agent..do every shoot you can and take a cut..fantastic!"

Actually no, I didn't - but thanks for jumping to yet more conclusions and posting on them rather than finding out first in order to make a well informed post.

But it's particularly interesting that you seem very much of the opinion that everything should stay as is and all models should basically just put up and shut up. How do you expect any model to improve their standing if they are not allowed to try and aim higher?

Would you turn around to a Firefighter who is picketing for better pay etc and say that they started their job on specific pay, therefore they should just get on with it and put up with the conditions they currently work with?

What is so wrong with trying to aspire to a better standard of working standards etc in the UK? Irrespective of whether or not the models are native to these shores or not.

To use another analogy, The Beatles started out playing in small seedy bars and clubs in Hamburg etc. By your statements, they should never have been allowed to play the likes of Shea Stadium. A ridiculous attitude. Where someone starts has little to no bearing on where they may end up.

"Models can book shoots without the help of any agent its quite simple and effective so the model keeps ALL of her money not pass part of her fee on to someone making calls on her behalf."

Yes they can, but the simple fact of the matter is not all models want to do or are any good at the booking process. Just because you feel they don't need an agent doesn't mean all models think the same. They are entitled to decide for themselves if they want to use one or not.

In future, though, I would recommend you try and find out a bit more about what you are posting about before you pass comment on others. I look forward to seeing your work before I pass judgement.

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Re: Rates Debate

Post by Spakatoon »

This is interesting as recently I contacted a large number of models over an anal shoot I was looking to shoot.

I was offering a rate of ?450 for this scene. The main problem I encountered was that almost all of them did not do anal... since when did that change?! I recall a time when almost all 'porn' models were.

Then I came across one model in particular who told me that they were available but would do the shoot for ?550 plus travel.

As far as I'm aware this model has yet to work in the states. So why in this economic climate would any model turn down a rate I believe is higher than average and attempt to shoot for ?550. How is this girl still working? Are people actually paying this? (Please email me if curious who it is).

I did respond to her and tell her that we were only paying ?450 and got no reply.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

To answer a so called agent..

where is your agents website??

who are your clients??

what percentage of a models rate do you take??

what EXACTLY do you do to get a model work that she couldnt do herself?

If you actually READ my posts you would see i,m all in favour of a model getting higher rates but it wont happen here for a number of reasons that are blatantly obvious.

Like i say adapt to the biz wherever you are and dont try to belittle the same producers/companies where you started thats a sure fire way of NOT to get work.

Like you said you didnt book that shoot for her but would you of if she was your client?? of course you would you want your cut dont you!

In the UK models do not need any form of agent at all the biz is too small and you know it but go ahead try to defend it thats what i expected you to do for your ?20 or ?30 commision.

Why dont you put down the phone and YOU travel up and down the country with YOUR suitcase dicked day in and day out instead of the model doing all of the work!

As for my work what has that got to do with this thread? i never used an agent to book a model and wont be starting now there is no need whatsoever.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

International publications ohh right so for several years she got a *normal* models rate then yes??

how much is that then to appear in FHM etc i thought most models do that for next to nothing to get exposure or maybe i,m wrong.

I didnt say she STARTED in oct last year i said that was posted/shot then from what i can see.
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Re: Rates Debate

Post by juststartingpov »

excellent thats great they get a good rate of pay for FHM syle publications i think thats fantastic

how exactly does that make sense in a debate about the small UK porn biz and rates opposed to the US version maybe you can enlighten us all as we mere mortals have no clue have we?

UK porn models do not need an agent

if they do how come all the agencies have all but GONE!