O/T... But very clever

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T... But very clever

Post by Layla~Jade »

untill you work it out ;)
Lay xx


Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by magoo »

I'll have a go tommorrow. Far to taxing on my brain for a friday night! Dont forget theres quite a few piss-heads on this forum. And that link is bound to confuse even Marcus "mines a double" Allen. And hes the most expert drinker here. The rest of us are amatuers. But I am sure I will be able to fathom it out tommorrow.

Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by Snake »

Dont ask me, i couldnt figure out it knew our choices :(


Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by chubbs »

easy, answer always 9

Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by Layla~Jade »

Cumon magoo.. Its not THAT hard !
Even I can do it... and I'm blonde !
all you do.. is choose a 2 digit number... say 33 for example...
Add the the 2 digits together. 3 + 3 = 6... Then subtract the 6 from from the original number, which was 33.
or say you choose 88 8 + 8 = 16
88 - 16 = 72...
luv lay xx

Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by Layla~Jade »

allways nine chubbs? er yeah...
allways is, if you allways choose the number 11...

Re: O/T.How Does It Work Lay?

Post by magoo »

I took your advice LJ and had a go and it worked. Mind you I was not impressed with the symbol it chose but sure enough it worked.

Can you explain how it works? Or are you a member of the magic circle?

Anyway thanks Layla for posting it. Us porn-lads do like an occasional distraction from wanking.

BTW Can you remind me which video you did the most dirty talk in? (says Magoo credit card in one hand and erm something else in the other)

Re: O/T.How Does It Work Lay?

Post by magoo »

Does everyone get the Jewish star of David or is that just me?

Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by jj »

Answer always DIVISIBLE by 9......

Re: O/T... But very clever

Post by magoo »

I thought you said you needed bed. Liar! Southpark was cool though wasnt it. King of the Hill now on 4 JJ babes.