I'll have a go tommorrow. Far to taxing on my brain for a friday night! Dont forget theres quite a few piss-heads on this forum. And that link is bound to confuse even Marcus "mines a double" Allen. And hes the most expert drinker here. The rest of us are amatuers. But I am sure I will be able to fathom it out tommorrow.
Cumon magoo.. Its not THAT hard !
Even I can do it... and I'm blonde !
all you do.. is choose a 2 digit number... say 33 for example...
Add the the 2 digits together. 3 + 3 = 6... Then subtract the 6 from from the original number, which was 33.
or say you choose 88 8 + 8 = 16
88 - 16 = 72...
luv lay xx