US vs UK porn

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Re: US vs UK porn

Post by Floydoid »

I like porn movies that look like they have had a decent budget spent on them, so on that score US beats UK hands down, but I prefer natural looking girls (i.e. no plastic tits) so give me British or European babes any time.

Having said that a lot of my favourite porn tends to be German in origin.

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Re: US vs UK porn

Post by JB »

Woody Johnson wrote:

> I am a Yank who has lived in this country for a quarter of a
> century because, generaly speaking, I like it better, but when
> will the British realise that there is no 'American' anything,
> as such. Porn is a perfect case in point.
> Damn it folks, the thing, the place the poulation is huge.
> Anything and everything is being made and done, at every level
> and to every standard, good, bad, indifferent and bloody awful.

That's true, except... about 99% of commercially produced American porn comes from one small area of Southern California. So there isn't perhaps as much diversity as you seem to suggest.

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