Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Bob Singleton

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by Bob Singleton »

As someone who runs an agency (albeit for dancers, some of whom also happen to do h/c) I would have to say I am in 99% agreement with Rem. It's easy enough to find the girls direct anyway, especially those with a professional attitude.

The 1% I disagree on is that I've sometimes been told by a client they want one thing only to find out they were too shy to ask for what they really wanted, but expected the girl to provide that service anyway! I make damn sure I send the right girl out to do the job specified, but I can't be held responsible if the client hasn't given the full brief.

There are also girls out there who are less than professional, and as an agent I try and weed them out, but until someone drops you in it, you have to assume they are professional. On the rare ocassions a girl has cancelled at the last minute I've always managed to get a suitable replacement.

Bob S

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by Jason »

OK here is where I probably fall out with everyone (again!) I bet but surely the problen is not only the agencies but in a lot of cases the girls themselves!

Its not the agency who doesnt turn up its the girl - its not the agency who makes up a crap excuse like my car wont start or Ive come on. It highlights something George pointed out in one of his posts last night - we have too many amateurs working in the UK and getting paid and treated like pros.

I accept that in some cases the agency is guilty of not telling the girl everything about the shoot but I have bad experiences of both. Worst has to what was supposed to be a hard GG shoot where one girl who was booked via an agency didnt want to do oral because "I'm not a lezzer" and the other who I booked privately didnt want to take her clothes off as she was shy and didnt like how she looked on camera.

Personally I think we should have a board of shame were we name and shame those who are unreliable and make sure they dont get any more work because like Remington says if one link in the chain lets you down you still have to pay for everything else.

paul jones

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by paul jones »

Go direct to the girls.

Plenty of model promotion sites allow this, eg glamourfinder.com

Or ask people if they can recommend people. I'm always happy to pass on work to girls that I've worked with and have found to be reliable and professional.

I also pass people to an agent who I know is also reliable, though he's out of the country at the moment so not much use if you want to do something sooner rather than later.



Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by Jason »

Oh yeah and on the subject of a board of shame I think the girls should do the same with producers who take the piss and let them down or expect "extras"

P R Mann

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by P R Mann »

I don't have much experience of agencies, but from what experience I have had I can say this.

There are some advantages to using an agency. If you book through an agency they will do all the donkey work - making the umpteen phone calls, sorting out who can work with who and when. Also, you are a lot less likely to get fucked about by the girls you hire through agencies as they know that if they fuck-up you will be onto the agency like a shot. If a girl proved to be unreliable or had a bad attitude a reputable agency would be forced to drop her from their books, which would mean no more work for her. Also word would then spread throughout the industry that she was a crap model leading to even less work. If you arrange a deal direct with a model then as there are only two parties involved they would feel a lot less inhibited about fucking you about unless you were a really well know photographer/producer. I have direct experience of this.

We recently did a mega shoot out in the provinces with models coming and going everyday for a full week. It would have been virtually impossible to organise all that ourselves, thankfully Walpole Group came to the rescue. They organised virtually all the girls we used and amazingly it all went off like a dream. Thank you Walpole and in particular the wonderfully conscientious and efficient Debbie. I was very impressed - Oh and they'll be a cheque in the post this week Debs.

I've also used JFT and while I have successfully booked models through them they do seem a bit lethargic in responding to your communications and that makes it very hard work to get things organised.

To be fair to agencies though many of them have said that their job is much more difficult now due to the drop in the professional standards of many present day ?models? which often leaves them ripping their hair out when an angry producer calls to say "That girl fucking useless girl isn't coming. She's just phoned me up to say she can?t make it as it looks like rain today and her brolly's broke so she might go shopping instead, and I've got a crew and location here costing ?1500.00 a day!"

P R Mann
P R Mann

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by P R Mann »

Spot on Jason. I belive I floated the idea of a "board of shame" many moons ago.

P R Mann

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by Wendy »

I agree with a lot of what's been said here. In short there are some reliable girls and some who aren't. You could also say there are some good and bad producers/agencies/directors/photographers and all this is a reflection of the outside world.

One thing that has always struck me about the industry in the UK is the lack of professionalism or manangement skills displayed in many quarters.

I've lost count of the number of times I've travelled far and arrived at the appointed time only to find out the producer's having his tea or the location has changed or the lights aren't ready or someone hasn't turned up etc. I then have to wait around for hours which really puts me in a good frame of mind to put in a good performance...not! (And guess what, the next time I'm booked I arrive on time despite this frequent experience)

Why is it like this? Well 'It's just the way it is luv!'. Bollox!

I've run two Great British Orgy shoots involving 6 girls and 6 studs. They all arrived on time, the shoot started on time because we were ready with the lights etc., it finished on time and everyone was happy. We even provided lunch for everyone! It can be done!

Re: Hiring UK pornstars for a video shoot?

Post by ecucamman »

My twopenneth, when shooting ECU or any of the photo sets I do etc, the source of the model, whether agents or Internet seems almost irrelevent, many girls are fine and turn up on time fully equipped but some just send a TXT MSG an hour or two before they're due and usually no more contact ever after that. The girls Ive booked lately through JFT and Michael Ross have all turned up and done the job
In many cases girls put in touch direct by other models seem very reliable
One girl Karen Wood, is super organised and it'd be great to think that others would all be the same, but the nature of the business is that some (younger?) girls tend to regard the job as a thing to do if nothing else comes up that day. Older girls tend to always be OK