STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by randyandy »

Cenobitez wrote:

> Who polices the police ?
It wouldn't be mandatory in the same way the fixed rates on the other site isn't mandatory away from that site.

If it's doing a good thing people would want to join it.

It all depends how well they are run.

The industry can live in the dark ages, drag it heels and live with the problems or try and do something about it.

There will be some against change, there always is, but there seems to be a will on the other forum at least for some form of self regulation and as far as I am concerned it is the only answer.

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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by EML »

About the STI'S thing......

I know loads of girl's that escort and are very safe....caring about themselves and others in the industry. Just coz you see one model bare backing doesn't mean the rest are or their not even doing it themselves.
People will say anything to get the business in!!!!!

May be we should direct are feeling to something constructive like combating HIV instead of pointing the finger at who is bring what into the the industry, we all know if HIV gets into the industry UK porn is over with a snap of a finger. Just remember that most of these people have partners and children, so there not going to endanger their life for a extra 50-100 quid in turn, to lose their life, never to see their kids grow up.....
It doesn't take a genius to work that one out...Does it!!!!!

We all know the risk in the Sex industry....

What about the girls that get tested in Europe and come here to work???? I was told they only need to be screened for HIV and with the big companies they are tested for a full screen...Can someone correct me on that if i am wrong???

I think we should give the escorts a break....

Where ever it comes from we can't place blame on anyone but we just have to be more selective of who comes into the industry....I know most of you out there and respect you....And look forward to working for/with you all again.....;) There are some shady Dudes in the industry that need weeding out....You Know who you are!!!!!
What is so hard about getting a test....even when i'm not working i still go and get tested for piece of mind.....from when i did work.....Can't mess with your health.

Wayne....Grow Up.....If he was going to pay for the talent, wouldn't he have a cheque book. All investors are like that.....Are you Bulldog Productions?
And if you booked Katie YOU should have cancelled her Yourself not some Krone!!!!!! It's your JOB!!!! Stop living in your Fantasy world mate.....
I wont work with you coz your a TWAT...... First Class Don't blame other people for your mess up's.....Do what the army told you step up and be a man!!!!!

I hope i didn't bore you to much....

Hugs and Kiss

EML xxx
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by EML »

Fuck Off Mate.......Ass munch!grin!
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by truthandlies »

To Wayne Scott-Fox,

Could I ask you to explain why the poster 'Belgravia' seemed to not know you at the start of this thread and yet you have stated previously on this board that you have worked for them in the past?

Surely the claims and accusations made by Belgravia that has started this whole debate on STI's have to be called into question if Wayne is indeed
using a fake profile to publish such claims and pretending to be 2 people in one thread.
Sam Slater
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Sam Slater »

I like it.........I like it muchly

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Cenobitez »

you think this is bad ? wait til someone actually sets such a site up.

There was one on Net-Model a disgrunted member, who pretty much turned it into a tool of assassination, So i an many other members hear will have seen that unfold.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?