STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by randyandy »

As a punter looking in I have to say that I don't think all the bull shit flying around has anything to do with the reasons why the product isn't being bought but that is for another thread.

I completely agree with the naming and shaming being done within the industry as long as the industry then does something about it.

A while a go someone suggested standard fee's on here and got slaughtered for it but I've noticed on ukproducers that this same simple scheme is in place so perhaps the forums there are the best place for it.

I'll get stick but I've said for a very long time that brit porn needs regulation from within the industry if it wants to truly succeed the ukadultproducers site appears to be taking the right approach.

one eyed jack
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by one eyed jack »

Hi Snake,
If models want to set up their own forum and engage this matter then i dont see why not. lets face it this issue concerns their very well beings than it does producers.

The reason UKAP locks itself off from non industry people is obvious: So we can see through the mudslinging to focus on how best we can approach this.

I would say the concern at the moment is not who is responsible because we could play Sherlock Holmes all day and not really get anywhere with lies and misinformation and so and so gave me it but so and so swings unprotected and so and so etc.

If everyone acted responbsibly then we mightnot have had an outbreak like this in the first place.

My main thing would be to limit this damage by getting everyone to be extra vigilant , not just with paperwork but to consider that if they are working in this industry to think about the knock on effect it has on their income by being reckless.

If they continue to be selfish they will naturally be black listed, not through some witch hunt but because of their own actions. No one wants to work with someone who continues to be reckless with their own sexual health.

For those among you out there reading this and think its no big deal running around town acting all invincible, that you havent got anything. Consider this: Fuck around unprotected, you dont know who the person you fucked just fucked or who they fucked. How are you going to feel if you suddenly got the dreaded HIV out of nowhere. All you did was had sex just once without a condom right? For an extra ?100 right?

That ?100 is not going to get you a cure if you luck out. Think about that before you act on it.

Does the name Darren james mean anything to anyone here? Remember that outbreak in the USA several years ago had peopel shitting blue lights and running around like headless chickens. Remember those who had sex indirectly with performers who had sex with him?

Then try to imagine if that person fretting waiting for the result of an HIV test was you? Not a pleasant thought is it?
Sam Slater
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Sam Slater »

Things aren't as simple as they may seem. If the said model was taking a train journey, then the model may have booked the ticket in advance, and on certain tickets there's no refund. Cancelling the night before, or even a few days before, means nothing.

I applaud you in standing up for the guy, but if he books a model, whether he's the producer or not, he's kinda responsible. If the shoot had gone ahead as planned, and the producer offered the guy a ?100 booking fee for booking all the talent, would he have refused the money?........Exactly. He booked the talent, and it got cancelled. Definitely not the guys fault, and I'm not slating him, but he's the only one left that has any responsibility. He should pay the model the travel he/she may have lost out on, and it's his job to get the money back off the guy that did the runner.

If everyone in the industry is blaming him, and he's getting no work, it's probably cost him more money than the travel expanses ever were. People are just too quick to 'pass the buck' these days.

I'd tell the guy to pay the travel, explaining that he's doing so even though he's not fully responsible, and maybe people will actually realise he's an honest guy, who cares.

It's only a suggestion mind.........

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Sam Slater »

It won't work Snake.

You can say, "I'm not working with her because she escorts." Then what about the girl who doesn't escort, but works with other girls that do escort?

Or as a girl, would you work with male talent who are really responsible, don't 'put it about', but they worked with a girl rumoured to be escorting a few days before your shoot together?

If you said you weren't working with girls who escort, nor anyone who has worked with a girl/guy who escorts, then there's no one left.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
one eyed jack
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by one eyed jack »

Just watch how much scrutiny this industry will get if someone gets HIV or even worse, there was an outbreak? The media will have a field day wanting this evil trade stomped out now. No doubt the government unlike the USA will step in and intervene and no doubt the police will be sniffing around to make a charge of manslaughter to add to the publicity.

I can imagine all hell breaking loose like some overblown movie.

It might sound crazy but the barriers are really coming down now with how this industry has expanded with girls from other countries coming over to work (not that I'm putting any blame on them mind) just trying to expand on a point.

Worse still the effect it would have on the infected person with their friends and family knowing and maybe finding out they were doing porn but caught HIV as well, then the media making you into some posterchild for the evil porn lords of this industry.

I say porn lord because not many people fit the bill of porn king these days.
...Well maybe porn baron because baron never really meant shit anyways.
Snake Diamond
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Snake Diamond »

katielee wrote:

> This puts off new performers who might be entering the industry
> too.
> I know it would me.

This is why I posted my thread, this situation is potentially disheartening to new talent, as well as already established talent.

> Its a crappy situation that no body should be in!

I totally agree, but what can we/anyone do about it?

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!
Snake Diamond
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by Snake Diamond »

one eyed jack wrote:

> Hi Snake,
> If models want to set up their own forum and engage this matter
> then i dont see why not. lets face it this issue concerns their
> very well beings than it does producers.

That's why I posted, as some1 who is concerned for their own wellbeing, this situation is disheartening to read all the information, true or not, about how many performers are being reckless.

> The reason UKAP locks itself off from non industry people is
> obvious: So we can see through the mudslinging to focus on how
> best we can approach this.

Exactly, no1 need mudslinging/lies/inuendo/etc, just the truth, & how to handle it.

If this information is only for the Producers, etc, is there anyway for example, when a performer is offered/booked for a session, they get to know that who they will work with are indeed safe? Not just that the other talent on the set have clean certs, but they don't do bareback escorting, reckless sex parties, nightclub drunken sex sessions with not-industry joe blogs/jane doe's?

> I would say the concern at the moment is not who is responsible
> because we could play Sherlock Holmes all day and not really
> get anywhere with lies and misinformation and so and so gave me
> it but so and so swings unprotected and so and so etc.

> If everyone acted responbsibly then we mightnot have had an
> outbreak like this in the first place.

This would be an ideal aim/goal to achieve.

However, reading 1 specifec performers site (about 2 months ago), their site still specified that they do indeed still escort. And to add to that, they have stated many times on here, that they manage that very site themselves. This is a very worrying state of affairs, especially as a few candidates like this are still very much active in the Industry, if reading their posts, & answers to their posts on this site, is anything to go by.

> My main thing would be to limit this damage by getting everyone
> to be extra vigilant , not just with paperwork but to consider
> that if they are working in this industry to think about the
> knock on effect it has on their income by being reckless.

> If they continue to be selfish they will naturally be black
> listed, not through some witch hunt but because of their own
> actions. No one wants to work with someone who continues to be
> reckless with their own sexual health.

If they are proven to be reckless, then blacklisted, I think that could be a wise & health conscious benefit to the industry.

> For those among you out there reading this and think its no big
> deal running around town acting all invincible, that you havent
> got anything. Consider this: Fuck around unprotected, you dont
> know who the person you fucked just fucked or who they fucked.
> How are you going to feel if you suddenly got the dreaded HIV
> out of nowhere. All you did was had sex just once without a
> condom right? For an extra ?100 right?

> That ?100 is not going to get you a cure if you luck out. Think
> about that before you act on it.

> Does the name Darren james mean anything to anyone here?
> Remember that outbreak in the USA several years ago had peopel
> shitting blue lights and running around like headless chickens.
> Remember those who had sex indirectly with performers who had
> sex with him?

I remember when all this broke out in the news, you couldn't even go for a shit, without some1 telling you of the disatrous news of Darren James. Even on here it was headline news for ages, yet soon people seem to forget/not bother with their safety.

> Then try to imagine if that person fretting waiting for the
> result of an HIV test was you? Not a pleasant thought is it?

This is 1 of my concerns ever since I first heard about AIDS as well as the re-ammurgence of verious STI's. I've had sex with plenty of ladies, but I've always been very cautious of new partners, & enforced wearing of condoms, & caution to various sexual practices till we are both sure of each other's state of sexual health.

Snake Diamond,
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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by planeterotica »

Its probably not a good idea to name and shame anyone on a forum even if its one that is password protected as you could find yourself in court trying to prove your allegations, im not sure how you can draw up a black list of performers without leaving yourself open to libellous action unless of course you can prove what you are saying is the truth, i suppose a list could be drawn up of performers who are reliable and known to play by the rules and then if something came to light about a person they could be taken of the list without any reason given a bit like a black list in reverse but who would want the job of administering such a list, any volunteers !cool!

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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Post by planeterotica »

Another thought has come to mind you could have a self regulated list or maybe an adult performers forum where models could update details of their last test including the date and name of the clinic where they were tested the date the certs were issued with the ref: number and the name of the person who signed them, it would only take models a few minutes to update their details and those that made a false representation would leave themselves open to court action from the clinics and fellow performers if they falsified details in order to gain work which would remain on the forum , this would make it easy to check when a model was last tested before you booked them or agreed to work with them, any model who works by the rules shouldnt mind doing this and if they couldnt be bothered then they shouldnt be surprised if they didnt get too many bookings, this may not solve the problem of STI's within the industry but it could help and it could help to eradicate the use of dodgy certs.
