STI's & Rumours

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by Jonone »

There isn't a way of eradicating the risk, you can only manage it and minimise it. I suppose what you're saying is that some people's idea of minimising the risk has a very liberal view of what it means to 'minimise' ie that one can be careless and reckless but still somehow be engaged in this process of risk management.

To use an analogy .. there are probably many people turn-up pissed to building sites on a daily basis, and yet the bricks don't fall and the scaffolding doesn't collapse. Unfortunately it seems like the probabilities are much greater on a porn set and that if you're infected it will be transmitted ... so you can't really argue with the probabilities. More responsibility is the answer ?
Sam Slater
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by Sam Slater »

Percentages and responsibility yes.

Ask the local gum clinic for exact percentages, but catching an std from either a prostitute, or a guy who pays prostitutes must be 20 times more likely than catching an std from the average guy/girl in a nightclub.

Of course, fuck all will change until there's a hiv breakout in the UK industry.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Harry Hardon
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by Harry Hardon »


When I contracted an STI after a shoot a few years ago, it wasn't because I get luck when I go out on the night. It could have been fluid from another participant I suppose but you can't tell.

The use of amateurs in professional porn shoots have been going on for all the years I've been involved and many big names have appeared in these shoots.

Those it's concering that in the past few months, a number of STI's have become rampant both within the industry and outside of the industry.

Too many people are have unprotected full sex with unknown / untested partners and following the seven degrees of seperation arguement, we probably all have recently come into contact with someone with an STI, either platonic meeting or otherwise.

Whilst sex is fun, people should remember it has it's risk - industry or not. Perhaps they need to bring back the STI films at school..


Amateur male - professional in outlook : met the likes of Carmen Moore, Stella Cox, Renee Richards, Tamara Grace, Tiffany Kingston, Loz Lorrimar - all of film :)
isabel ice
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by isabel ice »

I don't think the problem lies within one group alone... it is impossible to say all guys who are in porn have unprotected sex with random girls, and it's impossible to say all girls who escort do so without protection. Then you have to take into consideration the amount of guys who do male escorting and also porn at the same time, because I know there are more than a few...

I would be shocked and dissapointed if I heard any of my friends, in whatever capacity were having unprotected sex with un tested partners. Since starting in the porn industry I feel that I've become a hell of a lot more responsible with my sexual health, and it gives me the creeps to think that people would risk there health any more than we already do working in the industry.

Since starting in porn, I have 4 years worth of tests results in a folder, and I have failed a chlamydia test once, which happened to be when I was recovering from an operation, so I wasn't working...unfortunatly, my boyfriend was. However, I think I have been extreamly lucky, but in times when I work too much, I get tested twiice a month.

The blame lies in my opinion, not with any group, but with people who don't respect thier own health, and the health of others, regardless of which 'group' they fall into.

Don't shout at me
karlie simon
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by karlie simon »

whoever is responsible or to blame, this has got to stop!
ive worked in this industry not even a year now and have caught chlamidia twice and gonnorea once which has lead me to have other infections such as pelvic inflamotory disease ive had to take a alot of time off and spent alot of money at regents park! i get tested all the time and have a long term partner so i dont go out to night clubs or swinging clubs and sleep with other people, ive got to the point wear im so paranoid that i almost want to get tested after every shoot!
Big Ears Pix
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by Big Ears Pix »

Well said that young lady.

Big Ears
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by laralatex »


'Fun for all and all for fun'! Atex
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by thebird »

I dont work in the industry and dont pretend to have any knowledge on the in's n outs how you guys work..pardon the pun...I know this is going to sound harsh but Could there not be a system set up where these people who's names keep being mentioned as to rumoured as having a sti be put on a kind of black list by porn makers/producers and they cant work until its confirmed that they are clear.And these people made to produced medical history not just certificates to prove they are clear/clean?The way i look at it is if you've got nothing to hide then you wouldnt mind proving it. I understand that alot of money is lost having to cancel shoots etc but in the long run wouldnt it be making the uk industry safer and not having to wait untill what happened in america to happen here.
karlie simon
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by karlie simon »

you cant prove some1 has an sti we all have certificates that are valid within 30 days of having it done but really its only valid the day you have it done, a performer could have a clean cert go out that night and catch something and the only way they will know is 30 days later when they get re-tested by this point 10 other people wouldve caught it so we will never know wear its come from, the only thing we can do is to get tested more often like every 2 weeks but when it costs about 150 it its alot of money to spend out each month
i just think people need to look after them selves and understand how dangerous these diseases are its not just a case of taking anti biotics then its all gone coz it has long term effects and especially dangerous if ya catch it more than once as ive already experienced
Snake Diamond
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Re: STI's & Rumours

Post by Snake Diamond »

isabel ice wrote:

> I don't think the problem lies within one group alone... it is
> impossible to say all guys who are in porn have unprotected sex
> with random girls, and it's impossible to say all girls who
> escort do so without protection. Then you have to take into
> consideration the amount of guys who do male escorting and also
> porn at the same time, because I know there are more than a
> few...

Whether be it males or females who are escorting, this is stupid, your risking your health just for a few extra quid.

> I would be shocked and dissapointed if I heard any of my
> friends, in whatever capacity were having unprotected sex with
> un tested partners. Since starting in the porn industry I feel
> that I've become a hell of a lot more responsible with my
> sexual health, and it gives me the creeps to think that people
> would risk there health any more than we already do working in
> the industry.

Knowing of the risks, your very wise in your precautions. I get confused however, as to those in this industry, who know of the sexual health risks, but still blatantly advertise on their own websites, that they will provide escorting services, don't they know that they are blatantly trying to shorten their own lifespan?

> ...but in times when I work too much, I get tested twiice a month.

This is a good idea, for making sure your sexual health is clean during busy times.

> The blame lies in my opinion, not with any group, but with
> people who don't respect thier own health, and the health of
> others, regardless of which 'group' they fall into.

As I've already said, people in this category are stupid, these people are basically playing Suicide Jockey with not only their own life, but the lives of all the performs they are working with, & possibly the 2nd, 3rd & 4th gerneration performers etc, until the next tests are carried out.

Snake Diamond,
Fangs that bite!