The only thing about a 4 week shut down as good an idea as I think it is, it still doesn't stop some irresponsible people screwing around and bringing STD's back into industry and infecting the professional men and women who are putting themselves through testing every month, after the 4 weeks are up.
A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment!/lara_leexxx
Wholehearted agreement...
30 day shutdown and start from a clean - or "cleaner" slate has merits... Perhaps even being able to show 2 clean, consecutive tests would be even better...
As for the Logbook - all those that say "it wouldn't work" are, in a word, utterly defeatist and negative about an idea that COULD, and very possibly WOULD work... Those that DON'T abide by it, those that are slack in their recordings, those that are flaunting the rules, those that are ommitting to make entries - WORD WILL GET AROUND and subsequently those awill be rightly demed the irresponsible ones who are NOT acting in a professional manner and will therefore a) not be booked by producers because b) no responsible performer would want to work with them.
I am confident that ti could work even on an informal basis - like I have said from the start - and like Bob has said - it needn't be anything more than a cheap notebook or diary... I think Jimslip's idea is perhaps one of the best that this forum has ever generated.
As for the Logbook - all those that say "it wouldn't work" are, in a word, utterly defeatist and negative about an idea that COULD, and very possibly WOULD work... Those that DON'T abide by it, those that are slack in their recordings, those that are flaunting the rules, those that are ommitting to make entries - WORD WILL GET AROUND and subsequently those awill be rightly demed the irresponsible ones who are NOT acting in a professional manner and will therefore a) not be booked by producers because b) no responsible performer would want to work with them.
I am confident that ti could work even on an informal basis - like I have said from the start - and like Bob has said - it needn't be anything more than a cheap notebook or diary... I think Jimslip's idea is perhaps one of the best that this forum has ever generated.
I retired when I sadly realised nobody wanted me!
Then what about 2 consecutive clean tests...
If the one TODAY is clean and the one 30 days from now is clean - green light - GO... if the one todays is not clean - get clean - get a clean cert and then one 30 days from the previous clean cert.... mandatory 30 days shutdown, possibly longer for those that don't test clean on day1 (ish - given that not everyboy will be able to get a day1 appointment)...
Does that make sense or do I need to clarify the proposal?
Does that make sense or do I need to clarify the proposal?
I retired when I sadly realised nobody wanted me!
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Hiya Lara..
As I said everyone will be more aware and so the chances of it starting all over again, would hopefully be noticed sooner.
Lolly has made some very good points in this thread:
And Bob.. thanks for agreeing.. You and Marcus are the old men of the industry and must have seen more than most.. heh heh.
I can also say that in the 1980's, what quite a few of the Page 3 girls got up to in their private lives, when hardly any did hardcore, was a lot more than is done today by most tested actors in films... Oh to have had a vid cam in those days...
As I said everyone will be more aware and so the chances of it starting all over again, would hopefully be noticed sooner.
Lolly has made some very good points in this thread:
And Bob.. thanks for agreeing.. You and Marcus are the old men of the industry and must have seen more than most.. heh heh.
I can also say that in the 1980's, what quite a few of the Page 3 girls got up to in their private lives, when hardly any did hardcore, was a lot more than is done today by most tested actors in films... Oh to have had a vid cam in those days...
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Right Please don't bite my head off but since I'm not in the industry I'm not all that familiar with the behind the scenes necessities. Also don't have a go for never posting before as to be honest although i visit regularly i tend not to post my opinion on a topic i know nothing about (which is quite a few). However I maybe more familar, given I'm in the medical profession (or learning to be a professional to be more exact), with some of the disease processes involved. The main reason I'm posting is out of concern (as without performers there is no such thing as an industry) that some 'facts' aren't right and some knowledge (including my own as I'm far too young to be an expert in the field) is lacking. Yet what i give below is from reputable sources i.e. a medical textbook which are available to the public to read (not to remove from) any hospital library and i'd guess many public ones.
In many ways anyone (and this includes non-performers as well) who has any symptoms of a possible STI should get themselves checked out as soon as they can and hopefully before they have sexual contact with someone else.
The symptoms of an STI include (not exclusively):
Discharge (urethral, vaginal, anal).
Genital Ulceration.
Pain upon passing water.
Blood upon passing water.
Loin pain (pain below the ribs on either side (including the side of the front)or back).
General more whole body problems (fever, pain elsewhere, itch, offensive smells, swelling, joint pain, sore/bloodshot eyes, rash).
A full proper screening for STI's also includes a proper examination of the relevant parts which includes looking properly in a good light and palpation (touching)
Relevant investigations include again this is not inclusive:
Swabs (Urethral, Vaginal, Rectal, Endocervical (the area between the womb and vagina), foreskin and throat).
Smears from many areas listed above.
Urinanalysis (dipstick and microscopic if suspicious).
Blood Tests for any signs of infection and for specific infections (which usually takes more than one vial of blood).
Stool samples.
Many STI's are caused by bacteria (e.g. gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphillis) and as such the results of such tests will take some time to process as they need to be cultured first (grown in a special oven). Viruses such as HIV and herpes are slightly harder to test for but again i certainly wouldn't expect any conclusive result to be given without a few days lapsing. So perhaps the private clinic that performers go to isn't as good as providing conclusive results as that of a hospital run GUM clinic. (But again having never been tested privately I wouldn't like to comment more than that)
As far as a shutdown is concerned would this include such institutions as the call-in bits of the satelite channels. As STI's can be transmitted by any form of sexual contact (oral, (whcih includes the licking of used toys) vaginal, anal). Plus it is my understanding (although not having participated i don't really know) that sexual contact does occur on these programmes but it isn't shown.
In many ways anyone (and this includes non-performers as well) who has any symptoms of a possible STI should get themselves checked out as soon as they can and hopefully before they have sexual contact with someone else.
The symptoms of an STI include (not exclusively):
Discharge (urethral, vaginal, anal).
Genital Ulceration.
Pain upon passing water.
Blood upon passing water.
Loin pain (pain below the ribs on either side (including the side of the front)or back).
General more whole body problems (fever, pain elsewhere, itch, offensive smells, swelling, joint pain, sore/bloodshot eyes, rash).
A full proper screening for STI's also includes a proper examination of the relevant parts which includes looking properly in a good light and palpation (touching)
Relevant investigations include again this is not inclusive:
Swabs (Urethral, Vaginal, Rectal, Endocervical (the area between the womb and vagina), foreskin and throat).
Smears from many areas listed above.
Urinanalysis (dipstick and microscopic if suspicious).
Blood Tests for any signs of infection and for specific infections (which usually takes more than one vial of blood).
Stool samples.
Many STI's are caused by bacteria (e.g. gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphillis) and as such the results of such tests will take some time to process as they need to be cultured first (grown in a special oven). Viruses such as HIV and herpes are slightly harder to test for but again i certainly wouldn't expect any conclusive result to be given without a few days lapsing. So perhaps the private clinic that performers go to isn't as good as providing conclusive results as that of a hospital run GUM clinic. (But again having never been tested privately I wouldn't like to comment more than that)
As far as a shutdown is concerned would this include such institutions as the call-in bits of the satelite channels. As STI's can be transmitted by any form of sexual contact (oral, (whcih includes the licking of used toys) vaginal, anal). Plus it is my understanding (although not having participated i don't really know) that sexual contact does occur on these programmes but it isn't shown.
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Hiya Joe
I definitely see your point babe, this issue is such a scary thing and seems to go round and round in circles, but like yourself and many others who have some good ideas and valid points i'm sure as an industry that really isn't all that big we can pull together and work something out.
I also want to point out for anyone looking from the outside in, even though I have only been modelling about 6 months, I can hand on heart say that despite the obvious risks that come with the job that I knew about beforehand and accepted, i have never been involved in something where almost everyone I have worked with and for I can consider a friend and almost everyone I have come across (models, producers and photogphers) seem to look out for each other and thats the way it should stay, this is defintely the best job I have ever had the pleasure of being involved in and its certainly an enviroment I love and enjoy
) .
Lara xxxx
I definitely see your point babe, this issue is such a scary thing and seems to go round and round in circles, but like yourself and many others who have some good ideas and valid points i'm sure as an industry that really isn't all that big we can pull together and work something out.
I also want to point out for anyone looking from the outside in, even though I have only been modelling about 6 months, I can hand on heart say that despite the obvious risks that come with the job that I knew about beforehand and accepted, i have never been involved in something where almost everyone I have worked with and for I can consider a friend and almost everyone I have come across (models, producers and photogphers) seem to look out for each other and thats the way it should stay, this is defintely the best job I have ever had the pleasure of being involved in and its certainly an enviroment I love and enjoy

Lara xxxx!/lara_leexxx
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
I think your post is the most welcome even if you say you're just a student.. Real medical comments are what have been missing.
The callin/txt shows are also a good point... I have noticed that they put condoms on them but I've haven't taken much notice of them licking them afterwards to see if the condom is still on.. At one time I believe that certs had to be shown to work on the encypted part but I'm not sure about now...
And Lara...
Reply to this thread: You sound perfect for the job
I think your post is the most welcome even if you say you're just a student.. Real medical comments are what have been missing.
The callin/txt shows are also a good point... I have noticed that they put condoms on them but I've haven't taken much notice of them licking them afterwards to see if the condom is still on.. At one time I believe that certs had to be shown to work on the encypted part but I'm not sure about now...
And Lara...
Reply to this thread: You sound perfect for the job

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
IF anyone needs advice then go here this is the most professional outfit in uk, they have all the info you need and also a list of clinics that are NHS, Going on about all this again will achieve nothing we all tried before with BAIHA and as soon as the the HIV scare was over no-one was interested despite a few people trying really hard to organise it.
best thing is to act as an individual make your own mind up who you want to work with or not then stick to it. Harping on about it will achieve zero because most of the posters on here have never had a shag in 10 years and have more chance winning the lottery than banging a porn star. But the cannot sleep at night for worry they might get HIV in the eye. send emails to the industry people or producers or actors who you know, that might work because very few will join in on the forum,
Jim (Phil McCavity)
best thing is to act as an individual make your own mind up who you want to work with or not then stick to it. Harping on about it will achieve zero because most of the posters on here have never had a shag in 10 years and have more chance winning the lottery than banging a porn star. But the cannot sleep at night for worry they might get HIV in the eye. send emails to the industry people or producers or actors who you know, that might work because very few will join in on the forum,
Jim (Phil McCavity)
"Stop laughing and tell me it's big"
Live or on demand streaming Hi-def quality programing <> all British Girls at a £1 per pull.
Live or on demand streaming Hi-def quality programing <> all British Girls at a £1 per pull.
Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment
Kat .. It seems models only contact others when they're confirmed and not when symptons start as seems the case.. The next scenario could be a model who's been infected taking action against the one who passed the std on after working with them, when they knew they weren't 100%. It would happen in the States.
After all these posts, still no one has agreed to anything. The shutdown call still seems to be ignored by all but a couple of others, WHY ? Can anyone come up with a better idea ? It's here and still doing the rounds.. Or with luck the spread is starting to slow down.
After all these posts, still no one has agreed to anything. The shutdown call still seems to be ignored by all but a couple of others, WHY ? Can anyone come up with a better idea ? It's here and still doing the rounds.. Or with luck the spread is starting to slow down.