if lee-anne doesn't want it released then i don't believe he'll release it.
he has stated that some of his american videos can't be brought out in their original format, because some girls appeared on the basis that their performances would never be released onto the home market.
i think i'm also right in saying that others have contacted him since the change re. r18 likewise asking not to be exposed to the british publics gaze and he's agreed not to do so.
someone might be able to confirm or refute the second part of this.
Felicity/Leeanne pointer
Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer
pussymans decadent divas was the scene with me as showed in the doccumentry, rough sex speaks for itself, mh home video, richard always takes the girls there... as for the other two that would have again been with richard, the fun ones that the documentry did'nt show...
Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer
Thanks for the info Layla. Details on iafd for Pussyman's Decadent Divas wrong - I'm not surprised.
Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer
I had stumbled upon a few Felicity tapes (not RS or MH) and
was looking for more info on her. Didn't realize she
is fairly well known in the UK. In the Mike Hott Y2Kunt of
the Month tape, she is interviewed at the end of the tape.
When asked "what the wildest thing she ever did?" She
replied "Three guys pissing in my mouth and I swallowed it.
For film and I enjoyed it" Not exactly a shrinking violet.
After way too many years of US porn watching, never heard
an actress come up with that answer. So, not exactly innocent.
But with regard to Max, supposedly girls like Tiffany Minx and
Franseca Lee had bad experiences with him, and they were
pretty hard core. Just my two cents.
was looking for more info on her. Didn't realize she
is fairly well known in the UK. In the Mike Hott Y2Kunt of
the Month tape, she is interviewed at the end of the tape.
When asked "what the wildest thing she ever did?" She
replied "Three guys pissing in my mouth and I swallowed it.
For film and I enjoyed it" Not exactly a shrinking violet.
After way too many years of US porn watching, never heard
an actress come up with that answer. So, not exactly innocent.
But with regard to Max, supposedly girls like Tiffany Minx and
Franseca Lee had bad experiences with him, and they were
pretty hard core. Just my two cents.
Re: Booty Bandit
Was able to find this tape at one of my local(US) video rental
places. LeeAnne is incredible. She looks really cute and horny.
From the setup, it may have been her first video(?). She
does three guys, first doing a dpp, then (her claim) her first
anal, and then a dp. She takes facials from all three and
then swallows. I find it pretty amazing that she would
complain about any sexual act after seeing this tape. I don't
care for Max Hardcore, but between this tape, Rough Sex 2,
Wax that Ass(as Felicity), her claim to "love golden showers
and swallowing pee", I find it hard to believe she would shy
away from anything. Unfortunately, probably will never see
the documentary.
places. LeeAnne is incredible. She looks really cute and horny.
From the setup, it may have been her first video(?). She
does three guys, first doing a dpp, then (her claim) her first
anal, and then a dp. She takes facials from all three and
then swallows. I find it pretty amazing that she would
complain about any sexual act after seeing this tape. I don't
care for Max Hardcore, but between this tape, Rough Sex 2,
Wax that Ass(as Felicity), her claim to "love golden showers
and swallowing pee", I find it hard to believe she would shy
away from anything. Unfortunately, probably will never see
the documentary.