Felicity/Leeanne pointer

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by alec »

From iafd she seems to have done the following while in LA:

Coed Cocksuckers 16 (not on boxcover or jadedvideos's cast list)
Cock Smokers 14 (ditto)
MH Home Video 544: Cunt of the Month January
MH Home Video 551: Hand Gallopers 3
MH Home video 554: Girls Who Swallow Cum 18
Pussyman's Decandent Divas
Rough Sex 2

The girl called Felicity in in Action Sports Sex 5 seems to be a blonde Czech

A picture from one of the above is at

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by alec »

Also at

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by alec »

and at

along with Suzy Haines and Leigh Brooke (not listed here yet but will be in next update - current series on TVX called Leighs's All anal Adventures).

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by Pasta »

Thanks for the info, Alec. I was scouting through the Max Hardcore selection on Jaded to see if that scene featured in the doc. was ever released by the mad man, but I got bored before I saw anything likely.

Should have asked the experts - did it ever make it to tape, or did Max bin it?

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by John »

Lattara has posted into rame about the mix up on IAFD between LeeAnne and the Czech Felicity:

"IAFD keepers might be interested to know that her listing on the IAFD has been incorrectly conflated - as far as I can see - with a blonde Czech girl also called Felicity."

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by alec »

If the practice is to sign a model release after the shoot and if she walked out, then it shouldn't have made it to tape. But who knows?

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by alec »

Not to mention the failure to include all the videos she has made as Leeanne, Leeanne McQueen, Lee McQueen etc. some of which are separately listed on iafd.
David J

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer

Post by David J »

There is also a Felicity listed on Gangland #19 (the series features white girls getting shagged by 3 or 4 black guys - very nice series, incidentally), but I haven't seen this one or any box cover pics from it, so I don't know if it's the same Felicity.

Re: Felicity/Leeanne pointer/HC

Post by Busta »

Choice Pic!
Many of my thoughts on this whole subject have already been expressed here. I thought it was a thouroughly depressing piece of television all in all, and I think we all knew it was going to paint a grim picture. I find it quite hard to say anything positive about either the film-makers or the various participants involved. Except Layla, who made some salient points in her response. Just why are Max H's films so popular? Does anyone have anyone have any ideas?
I'm also saddened because I'm quite fond of Leanne as a performer. I think she shines in 'The Booty Bandit' and her Viewers Wives scene is good as well. In both of these she comes across as a natural and sexually enthusiastic woman. A great shame then to see her treated so badly and to learn of her own personal problems.
However, now that she's got everyone's attention she could make a spectacular return to the scene if she wanted. If, indeed, she ever left.

Booty Bandit

Post by Otis »

I bought "Booty Bandit" in the cut-down original legal British release. What a sucker. She'd been cast onto the cutting room floor. Now that Ben's started withdrawing those 75-minute tapes and reissuing them in twos on one tape, along with "new" 2-hour titles, I dare say the full "BB" will eventually see the light of day. Especially with the newfound interest in "Felicity". Would that be cynical? Still haven't decided.

Do we do video swaps on this page or is it a faux-pas to even mention it? And am I a ghoul for suddenly wanting to see her in action? (I soothe my conscience by telling myself I have no desire to ever watch "Rough Sex 2"......)