Football etc

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Dear Eric

Post by David Johnson »

""tossiest of tossers". Sounds like a piss-poor attempt at Blackadder-esque humour".

Does this not ring a bell, Eric? I must have confused it with someone else. Apologies if I have. Perhaps you could confirm for myself and the esteemed (but not by you apparently) Mr. Slater whether this is the "real" Eric?

Something like this...

The daft cunt's a bell-end and no mistake. It's a toss-up as to whether he or David Johnson is the tossiest tosser on a forum of tossers (DJ explanation - . that's all you BGAFD forumites - well, the left wing Commie bastards, anyway). We don't tolerate tossers on here. Liz won't 'ave 'em. So welcome to this oasis of sanity in a virtual sea of politically-correct, sanctimonious tossers.

Not only is Slater (so he says) Sheffield's answer to Jean Claude Van Damme, in one discussion the sad inadequate was claiming that he used to give "dietary advice" to female porn performers in order to keep their bodies in tip-top shape, and that they would repay him with "favours". Oh yeah - and he also still lives with his parents (really)

Is this you Eric or someone else? Please confirm one way or another. Whoever it is, quite a cogent, well put argument. !wink!

You are out of your depth Eric. I will leave you to have your last word and then you can scuttle off to the other place and moan and moan and moan and moan for post after post after post about how horrible that DJ is and how Sam Slater is little better. Just like you did last year and I assume next year and the year after and the year after that.....

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!
Posts: 1859
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Re: Football etc

Post by Flat_Eric »

Nicely misquoted and "sexed up", DJ.

Are you sure you weren't involved in that "dodgy Dossier" business? !laugh!

Really - I wonder why you bother.

It's quite sad really. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you.

- Eric

Posts: 1859
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Re: Football etc

Post by Flat_Eric »

You really ARE obsessed aren't you?

Now who do I see about that restraining order ....

- ERic

Posts: 1859
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Re: Dear Eric

Post by Flat_Eric »

David Johnson wrote:

I will leave you to have your last word and then you can scuttle off to the other place and moan and moan and moan and moan for post after post after post about how horrible that DJ is and how Sam Slater is little better.

... and delusion-based persecution complexes aren't healthy either !laugh!.

- Eric

Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: Dear Eric

Post by Sam Slater »

When you're smart, handsome, athletic, witty and great in bed, you get used to these types of put-downs.

Did I mention I'm a great dancer too? Ooh, baby........

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Dear Eric

Post by Lizard »

"You are out of your depth Eric."

I have snot running out of my nose with laughter. We will all dine out for years on that one...!bookworm!

[_]> No Liberals were harmed during the making of this post.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

Eric - "dodgy dossier, misquote?" Anything you say, Eric. !laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Sam - Yeah, I'm so pleased that I, too, am well off, good looking, charming, funny, fantastic in bed and good natured, otherwise my personality as analysed by Gypsy Rose Eric "an insecure, troubled individual with confidence issues" would be completely undermined by Lizard and Eric saying nasty things about us behind the bike sheds.

But hey in the immortal words of Groucho Marx, I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member.

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

Dave Wells
Posts: 2714
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Re: Football etc

Post by Dave Wells »

Long way to go yet. Salford were 7 points clear last season and we did it so I'm not to concerned yet !

Dave Wells
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

People forget that City were 8 points behind United in early April and still came through to win it.

Like you say, plenty of time left to win it.
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Dave

Post by Sam Slater »

It would be crazy to predict what's going to happen between now and May. I think Chelsea still might have a say. Manchester United seem to have to score 4 goals a game just to win and City are nowhere near as fluid as last season. If Benitez can add that little bit of discipline into Oscar's and Hazard's game they'll be a force. Of course, Benetiz will still be sacked unless he wins the EPL, and Europa League......even then it's not certain.

I think that Man City were very lucky last year with injuries. They had the fewest players out for the fewest games out of every other team in the EPL. In the title run in City had almost everyone available while United had coped without Cleverley since September, Vidic since December, playing a few games with Carrick in defence (because Smalling and Jones missed a lot of games due to injury too) and bringing Scholes back out of retirement. In the final 3 or 4 games of the season, City were just fresher. Even then, it was only 8 goals difference.

This season, United do have Vidic and Cleverley back and, more importantly, improved since last year by buying Van Persie. City, have not improved. Even this year, though, Manchester United have suffered more injuries than City so again it could come down to which squad has played the most games and is most fatigued at the end of the season. It's surprising how fast one falls off the cliff when you reach a certain point.

I would also point to the Africa Cup of Nations, City will lose the two Toure bros., Yaya being their best player in the middle of the park. It's not so much the games lost but the condition after playing a tournament in South Africa not long after the busy festive schedule. City have the squad to dampen any negatives but it's still advantage to United here.

Then there's the fixtures already played. Man Utd have already played Everton, Liverpool, Chelsea and Man City away from home. City have to go to Everton and Man Utd in comparison. In fact, looking at the last 10 fixtures of the season, City have to travel to Everton, Man Utd, Tottenham and Swansea. All tough away fixtures. Man Utd's toughest away fixtures for the same last 10 games are West Ham, Stoke, Arsenal and West Brom.

It's not over by any means, but Man Utd have a better hand than they had with that 8 point gap last season. It will be interesting!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]