Football etc

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Arginald Valleywater
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Football etc

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Thank you City for handing the title to Salford. Losing to Sunderland and only beating Reading in injury time is rank. Look at your pay packets and remember why you get paid a fucking fortune a week......

On a lighter note Rodger's is cementing Liverpool into mid table mediocrity and Everton fans are laughing their cocks off!!
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

You do write some tripe don't you?

"Thank you City for handing the title to Salford."

Earlier this year Utd were 8 points clear in the League and lost the title to City.

Mind, Torres and Benitez are doing well, aren't they?

I'm surprised your football punditry hasn't included a mention of that.

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Re: Argie

Post by william »

Don Roobles
Posts: 641
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Re: Argie

Post by Don Roobles »

suprised he didnt mention anything about black players..ohh they aint classed as black if they scoring and help you win anything though!!!
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

Oh Argie has no shortage of views about black footballers.
Sam Slater
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Re: Argie

Post by Sam Slater »


Firstly, on another thread, you showed your exasperation with "here we go again!" regarding race. You then bring race into a football thread.

On the long 'race' thread you did nothing but tell people they're wasting their time posting on forums as it's 'not going to change the world', yet find forums quite handy when you yourself has something to say......especially when threatening to knock other posters' teeth down their throat.

I'm with you on the racism thing, but you're inconsistent, aggressive and childish. It does you no favours.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Don Roobles
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Re: Argie

Post by Don Roobles »

i could give a fuck what you think as with most people who post on here

i read his posts elsewhere and he is clearly a racist

why you feel the need to crawl up my ass and follow everything i say Sam is beyond me but i must be on holiday with a tiny bit of time on my hands hence why i am now seeing how many closet or OPENLY racist people there are on here!

feel free to chat amongst yourselves now i am about to be very busy again so you can have your incestuous forum back with pleasure

Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: Argie

Post by Sam Slater »

So....lets not argue, debate or even discuss race unless Don Roobles wants to bring it up next time he's bored.

Have a word with yourself.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Posts: 1859
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Don Roobles

Post by Flat_Eric »

I detect a touch of McCarthyism in Don's ramblings. Except that instead of seeing Communists lurking behind every bush, he sees "racists" lurking behind every post.

You sir are a fanatic. So much so that in a former life you were probably one of those mad puritan religious types who would accuse people of being witches just because they had warts or because they lived alone, were a bit eccentric and kept cats.

I can see you now - in your black garb, pudding bowl haircut and matching tall black hat - whipping the villagers into a frenzy with your mad cries of "Burn the witch! Burn the witch".

A good analogy I think, given that "racism" is the "witchcraft" of the 21st century.

And it's ironic really. Because while you're busy shouting down as "racists" people who make comments you don't like or who think differently to you, there are plenty of people out there who would take one look at what you do for a living (Don Roobles, purveyor of hardcore porn) and judge you as an evil "exploiter of women" and a vile, misogynistic male chauvinist pig who treats the female of the species as little more than sex objects to be used and discarded.

The same applies to those other "industry" posters on here who like to toss around lazy accusations of "racism".

Now I'm sure you don't see yourself as that and neither do I. My point is simply this: You're passing judgement on people you don't know from Adam, based on nothing more than your own interpretations of a few comments made on a porn OT forum.

In short Don, you don't know the people on here and what really makes them tick. In fact you know fuck-all about them beyond their posts on here. And anyway, aren't we all just "keyboard warriors"? (So you keep telling us anyway).

It's easy to leap to judgement when someone expresses views different to your own (I've been guilty of it myself). But while it's fair to say that this forum is visited by plenty who probably wouldn't fall into the "stark raving liberal" or "progressive socialist" categories (myself included), no-one on here is Adolf Hitler or Nick Griffin either - at least not in any of the threads I've read (and I've read quite a few). So wind your neck in.

- Eric

Posts: 1859
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Back to football

Post by Flat_Eric »

.... but to get the thread back on topic: Sheffield Wednesday to avoid relegation this season. Just.

- Eric
