Diamond Dave thumps Jonny Foreigner

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Yes it does actually

Post by Ned »

Make me proud to be British I mean.

No British PM would ever have signed us up to what was being proposed and I am frankly amazed that other non-Eurozone countries are prepared to sacrifice so much to save a currency that none of them use and which was and is a spectacularly bad idea.
David Johnson
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Ned so what makes you proud

Post by David Johnson »

"Make me proud to be British I mean.

No British PM would ever have signed us up to what was being proposed and I am frankly amazed that other non-Eurozone countries are prepared to sacrifice so much to save a currency that none of them use and which was and is a spectacularly bad idea".

Once again I will ask you what I have asked everyone else in this thread and no-one has been able to answer.

What do you think the UK would have been specifically committed to if they had "signed us up"?

A Tobin financial transaction tax? A pile of City bank regulation? A cap of 0.5% of GDP on countries' annual structural deficits? "Automatic consequences" for countries whose public deficit exceeds 3% of GDP? A requirement to submit their national budgets to the European Commission, which will have the power to request that they be revised?

David Johnson
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Essex Lad

Post by David Johnson »

You miss the point. The thread is about what Cameron achieved at the summit. Maybe you could start a separate thread about whether it is a good idea to be in the EU at all?

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"The Germans still being an industrial nation which the UK isnt know they will eventually lose ground to China, therefore they want a slice of the money that flows through the City of London and want it to flow through Berlin, Dodgy Dave was right to block this".

If you are talking about a Tobin financial transaction tax, Cameron already had a veto of this before he went to Brussels. THe UK has a veto on matters of taxation.

If you are talking about City regulation, nothing that Cameron did last week has any impact on the fact that the EU can use majority voting to pass relevant financial regulations (non-taxation) for banking.

David Johnson
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This may help

Post by David Johnson »

A number of people have been going on in this thread about how Cameron has protected the UK financial services etc etc.

THis link may help to explain why the above view is wrong.


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Re: This is bigger than pathetic party politics!

Post by jimslip »

David Johnson wrote:

> A number of people have been going on in this thread about how
> Cameron has protected the UK financial services etc etc.
> THis link may help to explain why the above view is wrong.
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/16131346

Since when have you given a flying fuck as to the welfare of the City of London? All you are interested in, as per usual, is scoring some pathetic, party political point. This one aim dominates and is paramount in ALL of your musings.As to the welfare of the average person? You care nothing, they are expendable, all that matters in your mind is THE PARTY and their God given right to ceasless power, regardess of their greed, stupidity and corruption. Power is all, the individual is nothing. The depressing thing is that you party fanatics are so transparent, you simply lap up any shit that is served to you by your leaders and reject out of hand any other point of view. How can anyone but a complete fool listen and believe anything you say, with such a one sided view of the World?

The reality is that no one, including yourself, has the faintest idea of what the lay of the land will be in Europe over the next few months let alone years will be, even, believe it or not, your bunch of brain dead squanderers in New Labour, whom you would have us all presume are the "Great sages" of political thought and EU/ UK economics.

The fact remains, your bunch of clowns together with their pals, the banks, have destroyed the economic and cultural backbone of this country and you can scream and lecture as much as you like, but I cannot see how the Coalition could possibly do any worse than the bunch of idiots you so slavishly support!

So what would New Labour have done, bent over and taken it up the arse from the French and the Krauts........as usual? The simple truth is that no one wants to say it publicly, but the "dead wood" of Europe must be hacked off and left to drift away. Even the banks know this is what will happen in the end, this is why Ireland, Greece and others are already printing their own currencies again, in readiness.

Problem is everyone will wait until the Euro collapses until they face up to the reality.
The outcome of all this is way beyond the Coaliion or even, believe it or not, NEW LABOUR to deal with, all we can all do is wait and see.

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Re: Graham

Post by planeterotica »

David Johnson wrote:
> If you are talking about City regulation, nothing that Cameron
> did last week has any impact on the fact that the EU can use
> majority voting to pass relevant financial regulations
> (non-taxation) for banking.
planeterotica wrote:

So what would you have wanted dodgy Dave to have done then just hand it to them on a plate, had he have done so that little french pygmy would have walked all over the UK.

None of us can forsee the future and there is still a good chance that the euro wont survive or even the eec in its present state and we may be better off by being on the sideline, only time will tell...

David Johnson
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Re: Graham

Post by David Johnson »

"So what would you have wanted dodgy Dave to have done then just hand it to them on a plate, had he have done so that little french pygmy would have walked all over the UK.

Once again, no reply to the specifics. Please explain what "handed to him on a plate" specifically means! What would have happened?

David Johnson
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Jim Slip

Post by David Johnson »

Don't be daft.

This thread is about what Cameron did or did not achieve last week in Brussels.

It is an attempt to separate the spin from the facts.

As usual, you have nothing to offer but vague, ignorant, ill-informed ranting.

David Johnson
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Jim Slip 2

Post by David Johnson »

"you can scream and lecture as much as you like,"

Read my posts. Read your posts. Time for you to go back on the nerve tablets to calm yourself down.

PS. I thought you weren't going to reply to me anymore? Is that the 5th or 6th time you have flounced off and then ignored your endless promises about not discussing politics, not discussing anything with me etc etc. etc. etc.?

It's not long to New Year, can I feel another Jim Slip resolution about to come on? How long will that resolution be kept for?
