All foreign aid MUST stop.

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Re: Zorro.

Post by steve56 »

Well said BB but the question is why have kids with no age between them if you cant afford to feed them seems stupid!
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Well said BB but the question is why have kids with no age between them if you cant afford to feed them seems stupid!"

I agree it seems insane. I guess in Africa as in other very poor areas of the world, it happens for two reasons:

1. In the total absence of any welfare system, having children is part of an insurance policy so there might be someone to help with family income and when you get sick and/or old.

2. Child mortality rates are really high, so if you only have say, one or two children, you could still end up childless.

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Re: All foreign aid MUST stop.

Post by jimslip »

Here are some news items regarding aid from the West, "Going astray."

and the all time classic:

These are just a few from dozens of reports, ?billions have disappeared. Makes you think we're all in the wrong jobs!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Welcome back on the forum, Jimbo after a brief break.

I hope we can both treat each other with respect from now on, despite us having very differing views.

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Re: All foreign aid MUST stop.

Post by BRFOT »

The reality is that 'foreign aid' packages from 1st world countries are pretty much just bribes pure and simple, to allow the transfer of UK taxpayers money to shareholders and PLCs who, wow, surprisingly prop up the UK political parties who want to spend more on foreign aid.

We only pay out money to places like India, China, Middle Eastern countries as bribes in return for arms deals - although we apparently cannot afford to arm UK forces correctly, then again they are not shareholders.

We send 500 million to Pakistan to provide public services which they themselves could afford if they did not spend their money on arms, and they are then free to spend the same 500 million on arms from UK companies, thus 500 million of taxpayers money, invariably from the poorest is effectively transferred tax free directly into the pockets of shareholders in UK arms industries, many of whom are without a doubt politicians, all with the lovely clean fresh smell of PC muliticultural foreign aid to mask it.

As Blair/Cameron/NextTit tour the world on peace missions doling out 'foreign aid' they are also lobbying for sales on behalf of BAE etc, closing deals on jet fighters, tanks, crowd control equipment.

Foreign aid is generally a racket, I can understand investment in medical supplies for Africa of food etc in response to an immediate crisis, but most of it is used to grease palms for big business.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: All foreign aid MUST stop.

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

As its always been

Saw a figure mentioned about 5 years ago that implied for every dollar of foreign aid sent by the 1st world 9 dollars was received in return via trade

Trouble is the bulk of that 9 dollars ends up as profit to our multinationals who
syphon off their exorbitant wages before distributing the rest to the shareholders.These same companies are so adept at tax avoidance the wider community sees next to no benefit.

Meanwhile those living in poverty(ie OAPs)in our very prosperous 1st world countries have to rely on friends and family & local charities to make ends meet.
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Re: All foreign aid MUST stop.

Post by jimslip »

Like the so called, "Credit Crunch" and "Banking crisis". The biggest con in history, basically the redistribution of our wealth into the coffers of the International Bankers, so they can lend our money back to us. Wait another decade and they'll do it all again!

Being a banker or speculator is easy money, I've made nearly $100,000 of virtual money in 6 months playing the US stock exchange on a principle of predicting war, famine and disaster. Banking and stock broker scum are doing this with $Billions of real money. I started with $100,000.

With the natural cycle of the stock market, a brain dead moron can make money. Give up porn and become a banker!No wonder it's full of, "Nice but dims!" lol !cigar!

Unfortunately I haven't got the balls or the lack of morals to risk real money!!sad!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: All foreign aid MUST stop.

Post by randyandy »

Fuckin Tories !laugh!

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Re: Jimbo

Post by frankthring »

I must disagree with David Johnson and even Mr Slip !! First, it seems
to me too smug to blame multi-nationals. They clearly make huge sums
from the developing world but what is so wrong in basing your factory
in a country where you can make the most profit ? Seems sound
business sense to me and benefits the shareholders who have large
sums invested. To listen to David one would assume profit is a crime.
Secondly, banks are in the business of lending money. Its true the greedy
swines always try to come out of any deal smelling of roses. But again,
they are only a small part of the problem.
The chief problem with foreign aid is that, in many instances (but most
certainly not all), the money goes quickly into the hands of corrupt
politicians in Third World countries, along with Govt employees at all
levels. This is true in Greece as it is in Nigeria, Chad, Zimbabwe and lots
of others.
Most asked for independence from colonial rule in the 1950`s and 1960`s.
They got it. What has happened since ? Corruption on a colossal scale
by greedy African politicians and a constant whining that the West should
help them out ! Its time they stood on their feet as free nations and
paid their debts - or learned to be ruled by wiser and better politicians
than those terrible "colonialists".
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"First, it seems
to me too smug to blame multi-nationals. They clearly make huge sums
from the developing world but what is so wrong in basing your factory
in a country where you can make the most profit ? Seems sound
business sense to me and benefits the shareholders who have large
sums invested. To listen to David one would assume profit is a crime."

You appear to have completely missed the point. The point is that a significant number of multinationals have systemically robbed African countries of taxes that these companies should have paid in the countries concerned. I have reposted the link below in case you haven't bothered to read the information on criminal tax evasion. The point is not about profit per se, but about criminal tax evasion and immoral tax avoidance to make that profit.
