Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

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Re: Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

Post by colonel »

The Tories hate hardworking, decent people.

Your tax payments = their tax relief. Your money in their pockets.

Get it, Reggie?
David Johnson
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Re: Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

Post by David Johnson »

Be Seen Here
What an insulting little man you are. The sort of Internet bloke who would never dream of coming out with the insults that you do in a pub, because you would quite rightly get a good kicking. But you insult all and sundry here on the Net because, presumably you feel a lot safer.
I thought you had reformed, lol.
Very sad, very, very sad.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Dear Be-Seen-Here,
Its ignorant, amnesiac, David Johnson here again. Now where was I, lol?
Ah yes, I will have one more go at trying to explain this to you again.
The reason that it is only one more go is:
1. You don't deserve more than one more go because you are a potty mouthed, naughty, little boy, lol
2. Basically, I dont really care whether you understand or not.

However here goes.

The Banking sector got into an almighty mess. Did you read about it, BSH? Good!
This was the result of sheer greed and incompetence and a lack of strict government oversight by successive governments, both Tory and Labour. It was the blessed Margaret who started the financial deregularisation process, by the way.
The Labour government could have done one of two things: let the banking system collapse which would potentially have brought an Armageddon scenario making the run on Northern Rock look like a tea party; alternatively they could have bailed them out.
As I hope you know, the Labour government did the latter and spent squillions supporting the banks. You may also remember that David Cameron, supported this move by the Government.
So in short the banking system had an enormous heart attack, a bit like you seem to get in the early hours, BSH when you start spewing out all your insults and bile. But any way I digress. The result of this was something called the "credit crunch". This was largely a global phenomenon e.g. it affected Bush (not noted for his socialist views) and America. They are in a right old state.
You may have noticed loads of companies laying off workers because this heart attack has affected the availabiliity of credit etc. from the Banking sector. As a result, tax revenues from the City, individual companies, workers etc have been hammered as unemployment has risen.

As a result there is a huge deficit both in the UK (Labour ) and the US (under Bush, very right wing). I think you might begin to get it now. This has affected a whole range of political parties.

The question now is how do we get out of this mess? The Conservative plan is partly to tax the less well off as per this change in pension age. You are right the Labour Party were due to increase the pension age for men for example, but this was not due to happen for 10years later down the road compared to the Conservatives. Thus giving people on low incomes who do not currently have any money spare for private pension plans, very little time to try and find a way out. Admittedly you would probably argue that it "affects all fucking cunts, rich or fucking timewasters" in your eloquent language. However, to the well off, the few thousands that they , would lose for a one year are hardly worth bending over to pick up.
For those on the minimum wage (remember the thing the Conservatives opposed, BSH - ) its a big deal.

Okay, if you dont agree or dont understand, BSH, I really dont care.
But one final bit of advice.

Calm down, calm down, dear. Its only an Internet forum! You'll give yourself a heart attack lol.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Re: Be-Seen-Here

Post by David Johnson »

Have a read of this. ... alism.html

And then read the pdf file referenced.

It refers to a figures from 600 billion to a 1000 billion in terms of the support given to the banking system in the UK. I love the way you write this off with something that David Cameron can just flog off at a profit in a few years. The bottom line is that a lot of the stuff that has been insured by the government, "the toxic assets" no-one and I mean, no-one has much idea of their value. The guys who sold them on, had no idea either.

I also love the technique you have in totally ignoring someone's points and just stating something else e.g. "its structural, you're ignorant" All this banking stuff, DC will sell off and be quids in in no time. Lol

ANyway have a read of the pdf it might help. Or then again.
Oh and by the way, the day you stop being needlessly insulting and show some manners, will be the day I stop patronising you and treating you with the contempt you deserve.
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Re: Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

Post by jimslip »

As a life long labour supporter, I'm afraid that, that cheating, warmongering, crooked, lying, bastard Blair has now stopped me EVER voting again for the bastards and Brown is no better.....

They are far worse than the Tories because they pretend to help and represent the "Working" class. They don't support anyone who "works", they support the legions of lazy cunts on benefits. We live in a society where if you're rich then your fine, if you work in the public sector, then you're fine,if your a lazy benefit scrounging scumbag, then you're fine too. However if you are somewhere in the middle, working for a living, ie "In" the system, paying tax, register your car and so on, you're there to be screwed senseless out of every penny you've got.

The Tories are just as bad in their own way, but theres just a chance they'll let the people in the middle have a few crumbs, just for a change.

In summary the whole bunch make me !puke! !puke! !puke! !puke!

PS Walked past that shit, Blairs house last week in W2 and he had no less than 3 heavily armed cops brandishing MP5's guarding his house.........that's how hated he is!

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