Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3

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Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3

Post by goatboy »

Scotti Andrews is DEFINITELY Claire Kiernan, I know this altho I don't really follow the scene as such, and hadn't heard of Claire Kiernan before coming to this site. The reason I know this is that in her appearance as Scotti Andrews in Bring Em Young 3, her scene is prefaced by her showing her passport to the camera to prove her age: they've put some little stickers over her name to protect her real identity, but I had to laugh because they forgot the code at the bottom of the passport which clearly reads: GBRKIERNAN>>CLAIRE>>MUNRO (I think Munro or Monroe was the last name, i.e. middle name).
So a bit of sloppy cover up work removes all doubt (and hooray for VCD and the perfect still ;) )