I was checking out www.diabolic.com where I spotted another appearance by Scotti Andrews, our mystery Scottish porn girl who I think is Clare Kiernan!
I suspect you guys at BGAFD are still to be convinced.
Anyway, in this tape she reputedly does a double anal scene, ouch!
Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
Woah! what happened to that message????????
Try again.
I was checking out www.diabolic.com where I spotted an appearance by our mystery Scottish porn girl, Scotti Andrews, who I suspect to be Claire Kiernan.
I also suspect you guys at BGAFD are yet to be convinced!
Anyway, she reputedly does a double anal scene, ouch, in Un-Natural Sex 3.
You can see some more pics (small again unfortunately) at the above site.
Try again.
I was checking out www.diabolic.com where I spotted an appearance by our mystery Scottish porn girl, Scotti Andrews, who I suspect to be Claire Kiernan.
I also suspect you guys at BGAFD are yet to be convinced!
Anyway, she reputedly does a double anal scene, ouch, in Un-Natural Sex 3.
You can see some more pics (small again unfortunately) at the above site.
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
I was fairly convinced before, but I am firmly convinced now. That is definitely the girl who appeared in Bad Brother on TVX. However, it may not be in the next update that appears because of the time lags involved.
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
I wonder if Fiona Cooper "new girl" Clare (A480 - ) is also the same girl - She is described as scottish in the text and appears to have the same proportions...
Fiona Cooper are updating their site very regularly and promptly these days...
Fiona Cooper are updating their site very regularly and promptly these days...
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
PS. She has in common with the diabolic girl that her right one hangs slightly lower than her left one..
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
Well, I think she looks a little different facially in the Fiona Cooper pics, if that is indeed her, and the chances are at the same age, same physique, same nationality and hey, the same name - it could well be our girl!
Nice one!
Nice one!
Re: Scotti Andrews in Un-Natural Sex 3
The face is a bit different but I get the same overall impression from the FC pics.