TVX Shutdown.

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by waffster »

theyre only interested in making lots
> of money for themselves the easiest way and telling us off when
> we dont support them for it.
> cheek.

Thats New Labour isn't it ??
Phil mCc
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Phil mCc »

Read this over a few days and strikes me the thread has the problem and the answer in it. The only problem is it is so full of stupid statements the whole message has been lost.

Porn was not built on Piracy, RUBBISH, I should know I was there at the first video pre BBFC. Thats one for a start. But there are real answers in the thread, like club together and go online. The problem is very few guys on here are normal punters so therefore don't have a majority view.

TVX,Playboy etc are viewed by many I know I have seen their viewing figures and their subscriptions. Many people just want a bit of naughty programmes without becoming a porn collector. The will not go to sex shops or order DVD's through mail order they are what keep these channels alive and making money. DVD has gone down 20% since the start of the year, thats not a decline thats the captain anouncing put your lifejackets on. DVD has very little time left everyone knows it. It is still making money but going down. The reason is online content, not just piracy guys are spending all night on free content sites watching crap quality on small screens, and they are happy to do that. To be specific to the UK adult market the big adult companies are still making money, but they worked out a system. Buy or cut deals with USA production houses then BBFC and then sell them in their own sex shops. They can swap titles with other guys doing the same thing so the shops are full. Now you have plenty content ou can bid the UK producers in the bollocks for their content if you have the only route to market thats what you do. The only other route is being done by Pirate's who are scum. You obviously have never had your title, your product, your money, your life blood stolen or you would not have a good word to say about them....So some pirates became producers.....Big deal I bet they were ashamed and decided to go strate, rehab is a good thing, My background is on record but so is my rehab. Pirates are scum and thiefs and its that simple, I once caught one selling everyones content and he claimed he could do it because porn was all illegal anyway.. fikin idiot.

Producers getting together, thats a joke the few who could won't because they are scared of each other. Some have though and they feature in our plan. The rest well who cares you guys don't, I think there is to many producers anyway, there a few who work in a professional manor and the rest are punters with video cameras, you should have a cull. I say you because I unlike most have worked out the solution and put my money into it. Like I said the solution is in the thread.

If you are a genuine producer join the AITA (You might find out about the BBFC's plans for online regulation).
If you are a genuine producer contact me then visit our offices
If you care about the industry whether as a punter or a professional then support the ones trying to make changes.
If you cannot affoard to spend 20k on your next production and you are unsure if TVX/Playboy etc will buy the soft or you don't think you can shift 20k units then ask someone who can.

IPTV is the answer to the adult problem its works now and will roll out faster than SKY did, their is around 14 million homes in the UK with acceptable broadband, your content can play on their TV set's the same as TVX etc but hard-core. Same story the real punter will not need to to go to a sex store or order via mail order. If he fances a bit of hi-def hard-core in the afternoon he can get it. Thats the answer. Now its Sunday and I know Bev will murder me but if any producers wants to ring me or email me then do so. The next AITA is Tuesday and I would like to meet anyone at the venue before it starts, my advice if you can't beat them join me..

Phil McC

"Stop laughing and tell me it's big"
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by harmonyluvver »

Well said
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by JayK »

>Producers getting together, thats a joke the few who could won't >because they are scared of each other

Many of the producers already do get together. Meetings are held every quarter in London. You welcome to come along Phil. Details are posted over on the Producers Forum where you have posted information on IPTV so you know it exists.

Phil mCc
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by Phil mCc »

Managed to get on a couple of times then it changed and the log on would not work. I did tell Terry. I went on there and a few guys were genuine producers but many we guys with cameras claiming out of focus underexposed with camera shake was just there style.
This is a time for some realism, tell me what this forum or board has done, please maybe I don't know. Have they been involved with the BBFC, Obscene publication act or the content by any delivery discussions that are going on. If so I appologise. If not then smell the coffee and get involved where it matters. Its good to get together and share views but it is also good to hear it how it really is. If anyone wants involved in IPTV then there is guidlines to work to and it is a brand new format that can allow producers to go direct to the public, if they have their own channel or if they get together and share one. Last I heard non of the guys had any money, they were struggling to get a movie budget together. Again I may be wrong but surely if you have a good business plan even the bank would invest in this co-op.

Phil McC

"Stop laughing and tell me it's big"
Live or on demand streaming Hi-def quality programing <> all British Girls at a £1 per pull.
gorgeous gee
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by gorgeous gee »

oh dear, oh dear!
i refer back to my first thread...if you dont know what your talking yourself a favour!!!
all that shite about greedy prods trousering 20s/30s per unit...ha,ha, ha! you see if you werent actually serious, you'd be a really good laugh..almost a pro!!
sadly the opposite is the truth and your gaping lack of grasp is lamentable!! you may as well be posting on a cake making forum giving your penneth worth on ingredients and other bollocks to which you know less than nowt!
surely anyone with a couple of brain cells would realise that, as ,one or two of the more level headed posters to this thread have indicated, the producer has very little contact with that ? actual fact he will sweat blood and shed many tears to see a fiver!!!!
if any other uk producer should contest this, let him come aboard. i will gladly bow to experience and integrity, though i doubt we shall be seeing such a post here.
pagan, me old son , the greedy bunch of incompetence to wit you refer are routinely offered as little as ?2.50 a unit!!!! difficult to keep up the old u.s. budgets with that kinda cash sloshing through the old tommy tank!!!

spanky....your point about the industry being founded by pirates so why should i grumble in the modern day?.. sub moronic!!! its like saying that most labour was founded on concepts of slavoury so whats wrong with a bit of child traffiking!!? please!

finally...this whole idea of uk prods needing to band together, i simply endorse the routinely wise words of jayk. the uk adult producers is a dynamic consortium of porn makers who apart from providing regulation and lobbying, have already given the industry a wonderful and credible awards evening and endeavoured to bring spanky's lovely old piracy biz into the mainstream!!...of course, you industry experts will already know that, and i bow to your worldly wisdom!
gee is leaving the make another two bob crap film!!
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by pagangod_uk »

GG, I bow before your superior intellect, clarity of insight and incisive diatribe, thus I proclaim you a fount of all knowledge and wisdom...

Yeah, right.

Astounding how in your arrogance you barely grasp minor points and utterly fail to grasp the major ones.

You spout the same tedious detritus we've all already heard a million times - to say you are cliche would be an understatement and possibly, just possibly, a compliment at best - you're flogging a dead horse mate, and how!

The people have spoken with their wallets, fed up with the sub-standard tripe that passes for 'quality' product, you don't like this fact therefore you blame.


Lazy, lazy, lazy - but we can argue about the pricing of product until we're blue in the face, the one thing that IS fact, is the inability of the British porn industry to work as a single, unified entity.

Having said that, I seriously doubt that some people in the 'biz' would even understand the words 'unified' and/or 'entity'.

I've already said this to you and to others; don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution - otherwise the British side of porn will always remain what is essentially a cottage industry.

British porn needs to shape up, or ship out - only then can we truly be contenders in the global marketplace.

We need to think BIG, you my friend, seem only able to think small.


stevie q
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Re: TVX Shutdown.

Post by stevie q »

My thoughts on this subject (and im not a insider who knows what he's talking about, im just your average punter).

But why cant hardcore and softcore stand side by side on the tv?
Then everyone is happy, and you pay for what you really want.

Both hard and soft have there good and bad points, so you pay your money and take your pick.
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