O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Officer Dibble
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by Officer Dibble »

Hughesy, are you telling us, or asking us? And if you are telling us, like, how do you know this.

Officer Dibble
Officer Dibble
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by Officer Dibble »

"I was doing better when it was all illegal...A lot better in fact, at the moment I am making a living,"


"No prizes for guessing who's the number one chappy making most dough and he ain't even mentioned with much reverence here. I'll say this for him though and all you critics of him take note: He has brought something to the table and responsible (at least in part) for the hardcore situation we enjoy at the moment and man enough to take a knock or two."

Enjoy? Who's enjoying it except for a few Johnny come latleys who now feel safe enough to indulge their naff porno fantasies of shagging a few chav birds, while at the same time maybe earn a few quid? Ask, Jim, Peter, Jason, Bob even BD whether they are enjoying the current status quo.

Officer D
Officer Dibble
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Porn is a labour of love for most of us film makers & sometimes its being in the right place at the right time, Me & John enjoy the life style & if it makes us money one day all the better."

That's the problem. Folks who get too wrapped up in it can't stand back and look at it objectively. They can't look at it the same way as an ordinary Joe, who just fancies maybe buying the odd porno flick, would. They start moving in porno circles, talking nothing but porno bollocks, they start to stew in the metaphorical porno production juices, they lose their grounding in the real world, and before you know it, the movies they are outputting are totally irrelevant self indulgent tosh that are about as far from the real sex that real people have as it is possible to get - triple anal, bukkake DP delight with a cream-pie dressing and a sprinkling of ATM, anyone?

Porn is nice (or at least it was) but it is not the whole world. There's a whole universe of full of other interesting stuff going on out there. If you keep things in perspective and don't get stuck in a rut your porn will be all the better for it, as will your appreciation of life in general.

Officer Dibble
Officer Dibble
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by Officer Dibble »

"I really don't have a problem with the people who come into the business now its legal,"

Tell, I know you're a nice chap and all that, but do you mean you're not even slightly niggled by the fact that you were the one of those who took the risks, braved the dawn raids, fronted the state up in court, only to have the Johnny come Latley's set up shop and make a hash of it (with their chavy films) now that the coast is clear?

Officer D
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by titanic »

With so much free porn offered on the internet i sometimes wonder why people even buy it.
There are so many sites out there desperate for new members they are showing so much of there product for free I dont see the point in anyone joining.I bet you could view new pictures every day for the rest of your life simply by using the tgps and never having to pay a penny.(This includes us we show far to much)
Then we have the problems with charge backs, billing companies going under and not paying,theft of your material, password theft, viruses etc etc.
That is why we decided not to make a members site on the internet.
There is still plenty of money to be made in porn but I think the internet is simply a way of keeping your name up there.
We have used other mediums to push our buisness forward and although a lot more costly the end results have been far more profitable.
Like any buisness we have to adapt and change and we have . We just about break even with the website and dont see much chance in the future of making any real money from it.
However it is a good showcase for us and we will continue to us it .
I do think though in the near future we will be cutting back on the strength of the material shown and the ammount.
What I dread is that all you will on the internet is see is mass produced porn from both usa and eastern europe which is ok but not my cup of tea.
Billy Ryan
Titanic Productions

John Mason
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn?

Post by John Mason »

Fuck me! For the first time EVER I agree with Dibble! Now I'll have to go and get myself booked into rehab..........
John Mason
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn?

Post by John Mason »

Now I'm going to be really controversial and stick my neck out and say that the video/dvd pirates don't hurt this business as much as some people seem to think. Quite a few of todays producers started out 'pirating' other peoples stuff and it didn't hurt the business then and it doesn't hurt the business now either!
People who buy pirates DON'T normally buy regular releases anyway, so yeah the pirate make money out of mine and other producers movies but so what! I would like to see if anyone on here can 'hand-on-heart' say that they have never looked/bought/borrowed a pirate copy before.
I know that before I was in this business I did, so let's all stop being hypocritical about piracy and address the real problem which is the current goverment legislation that stops ALL of the producers making real money!
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??


So who is making all the money then???

I got two things in this world my word and my balls and i dont break them 4 anyone
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