O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by fayerampton »

i make enough to keep me in white wine !!!! and to keep my horse ! so im happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
faye xxx
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn?

Post by Marino »

I am turning over money, but making none yet my friend, enjoying huge credit card bills bank loans to pay for st tropez, nothing like the panic of debt to get you out of bed in the morning.

Also you are forgetting the guys that run LDM now thaere is a cash machine, and good luck to em, I only hope i have a small piece of succes like Ben and the top flight. But i love it, and do me best
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn?

Post by steveb »

"...nothing like the panic of debt to get you out of bed in the morning."

I thought you made money by getting INTO bed? Or at least onto a sofa?

(What is it with sofas in porn?)

"Also you are forgetting the guys that run LDM now there is a cash machine, and good luck to em, I only hope i have a small piece of succes like Ben and the top flight."

But would you like a small piece of LDM?
VFX artist, occasional porno-maker and frequent pub denizen.
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by videokim »

Like Marino i'm still making films but have yet to make any decent money, Terry is right about earning more when porn was illegal but most of us are now waiting & planning to get films on satellite where it will fetch more earnings than the sex shops.
Porn is a labour of love for most of us film makers & sometimes its being in the right place at the right time, Me & John enjoy the life style & if it makes us money one day all the better.

Kim & John

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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn?

Post by ernie »

How about the toffs who have only got into the business because its now legal, ie, are Relish making pots of dosh or is it that the aristocratic cash enables them just to have a bloody good time.

big red
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Re: O/T Who's really making money in British Porn??

Post by big red »

I hope to make enough money to keep my horses in white wine!

The guys who are making the money are the boys who buy a single copy of a film for ?25 then copy it and sell it at every boot fair or even deliver it to your door like a f*cking pizza.

Mario spends thousands on St. Tropez and then some grubby little shit sells it all over before he's had a chance to recoup his costs. Trading Standards don't give a shit about adult films and don't look like doing so unless f*cking Disney start making them.
So piracy will hold this industry back like no other because this industry is so small.

Next time you buy a pirate consider that the production company sees naff all of that money so they don't have it to spend on thier next production.
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