death of porn

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: death of porn

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

We all get bored from time to time be it porn,music,films or TV etc
Its probably a good thing you haven't bought any

Given the saturation of the market IMHO its a matter of finding what you like which means doing a bit of research

I can't imagine that you've seen it all

I can't imagine that every porn flick has used the same tiresome formula
which is so predictable you can tell whats going to happen before the scene starts

Seek and ye shall find eventually

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy

B....OZ All Cliched Out
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Re: death of porn

Post by marcusallen »

Anothetr load of bollocks.

"Brit porn dead"

Can't find somthing that turns you on? - tough. Go someplace else.

Many folk out there find britporn good for themselves. You are in a tiny minority and if you have any CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions to make, I strongly suggest you send 'em privately to the various procuders/distributers - all of whom are listed herein on this site.
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Re: death of porn

Post by Marino »

Some guys like sports cars some like 4x4s, I just like doing a bit of porn, like most the UK producers we have a great time. I do feel the british porno scene is stronger than ever before, so keep buying the yank stuff if you like it, but dont forget to buy the odd british film, or we may never get any better.
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Re: death of porn

Post by mutanthalibut »

There is just not enough tease and tittilation in porn these days.

It's always straight to the action with full nudity within the first few minutes of a scene. The exceptions to the rule are funnily enough Ben Dover and Buttman, although these are also now less on the tease and more on the hard action. Almost as though they can't be bothered anymore, wich is a shame as they have both produced some of the most watchable porn available (IMHO).

p.s again in my opinion, when watching a film with 1 or more sexy girls in skimpy/sexy clothes/lingerie and then the scene cuts to them being totally naked makes me want to shove the dvd up the editors arse for such lack of knowledge about their viewers tastes.

Rant over...anyone agree with me?
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Re: death of porn

Post by riddler »

I think it probably is just me being a bit bored with it, but i value the opinions saying that the british stuff is at its strongest, i rarely buy the yank stuff.

i havent looked for a while so i will go and check the latest british stuff.

i was hesitant in posting so if you thought i was talking bollox i do apologise, it seems there is alot to choose from. i will check it out.
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Re: death of porn

Post by Pianaman »

I agree completely about the need for porn to be erotic and titillating and come close to getting bored with porn several times when faced with so much sameness and lack of imagination or sense of humour. A lot of US stuff at the moment is very dreary indeed; sex (I hesitate to call it that) by the numbers - cock in mouth, cock in pussy, cock in ass, cum shot in mouth - no interaction, no sensuality, so finesse, no fun. But on the other hand one of the strengths of the best British porn is that it is able to be more relaxed and less uptight, more playful, more erotic and more fun - just look at One Eyed Jack's videos for a good example of this or a site like onlytease or Marino's site.

At the end of the day porn and sex are two sides of the same coin - as long as people have been enjoying sex in more than just an animalistic fashion - as something that involves a certain consciouness of the art of giving and taking pleasure - people have also sought to find ways to expand the range of sexual arts and techniques at our disposal including through its depiction artistically and visually. This has happened throughout history and in nearly every culture I can think of in one way or another. Porn can't die any more than sex can - a worst it can only go underground during periods of repression but as you know to make something forbidden actually increases its potency.
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Re: death of porn

Post by colin »

i have to agree a punter who has purchased over 20 british titles in the last year i have to say the quality of the product is still excellent, especially Marino's road trips, UK Student House and the Cathy Barrie titles. I think a problem that may arise is the number of established stars plying their trade in the states thus leaving less opportunity to make "home based" films, because i believe a lot of punters buy according to the stars appearing in any particular film, after all everyone has their favourites!
the secret to laying the foundation of democracy is knowing where to place the machine gun!(Foggy Dewhurst)
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Re: death of porn

Post by George »

There's more competition nowadays (because the technology is more affordable), and this translates into less profit. Faced with this, producers can either cut costs and do things on the cheap, or go up-market and leave everybody else so far behind that they can charge a premium.
Sadly, most producers seem to have opted for the former strategy, which is less risky, but leads to a downward spiral of ever-lower quality.
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Re: death of porn

Post by davewells »

I don't think any of us chooses whether to go up or down market. We are given a budget and HAVE to pull it in under that to make anything ourselves. Private used to give Woodman ?300,000 to go off and shoot beach sex part 308. Now they will ONLY pay ?30,000. Sums it all up really !
It is increasingly difficult to make it worthwhile when all costs ( model fees, location fees, etc, etc ) go up all the time and the return for us goes down. They ( the arsehole distributors ) want quality but don't ( and these days ) WON'T pay for it.
There ain't no money in it anymore.
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