Porn stars as girlfriends

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by PaulD »

I read with interest Dave's post about his fiancee Emma being ripped off by Anarchy Films. How many visitors to this forum would be happy to go out with/marry a girl who makes hardcore films?
Is it a turn-on? Or do they love the girl so much that they are willing to put up with them doing that? I am not making a moral point - I don't think I could handle it. Make that I am sure I couldn't. But what do others think? I know of one model whose boyfriend stays at home decorating their house while she is off working with Private. She gets all the fun while he gets paint fumes...
Over to you - guys and girls....
Holden MacGroyn
Posts: 2427
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

No way on earth could I be the partner of a porn star.
Wouldn't feel happy about it all.
Went out with a model once and it was a bitch, and she kept her clothes on!
And no, it's not that I'm insecure....much.

Guess I've lost any chance with any of the girls that post here now.

....Like they really are there saying, "That Holden bloke, although he's got a foul mouth and hates Baddiel & Evans would have been wonderful material had he not just made that post."

Still.....Holden MacGroyn


Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by sammi »

You never know - he might like decorating!!
By the way, does anyone have pictures from that night in Soho 21st June I think it was! I've heard about them but not actually seen any yet - and I know they are naughty!
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Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by woodgnome »

look in the miscellany - plenty there to keep you going! ;-)

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by sammi »

Nice one babe - thank you!!!
Sammi x x x x x
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Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by steve56 »

as long as no-one gets hurt spose its ok.

Rock Charogne
Posts: 733
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Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by Rock Charogne »

Chance would be a fine thing - though I don't think my wife would approve anyway!



Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by Jon »

Good question I watch porn and enjoy it, and think I could handle girlfriend making it provided the only sex involved was for the video If it were to stay at that level yes fine and could watch it as well.
Posts: 1191
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Porn stars as girlfriends

Post by fayerampton »

well i can never get a serious boyfriend ! they run a mile when they find out what i do for a living ! but i have exepted the fact that while i do this job im likely to have to remain single ! i dont mind i have my cat and horse for company !
faye xxx
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