Back in the late 70s there was a movie called Boys and girls together. The cut version was released as X at public cinemas but there was also an uncut version. Any body got any ideas where a copy or video version might be found. I suspect it was a production of the Sullivan empire.
I still find the mags of those days far more appealing than more glossy stuff available today. Age you first saw them I guesse. Would be interested in hearing from anybody who has copies of Whitehoese, Playbirds etc from that era.
Happy Christmas all
Boys and Girls Together
Re: Boys and Girls Together
If you might remember any faces from that era have a look at the latest unknowns where there are lots of caps from 70s British Porn, though none from that film, which I do faintly recall being shown on a double bill with some film about Boney M. It featured some girl using the end of a loo brush as a dildo, if I've remembered the same film.
Re: Boys and Girls Together
I think I remember the Boney M one, was there a real cheap overlay with stars in space on it I watched it at the old cinema in Brighton(Kemptown) anyone remember that one also the cinema in Glasgow I saw all the Emmanual movies there. Used to take a cool chick called Julie with me, she spent most of the time downhill skiing,???????
Phil McC
Phil McC
Re: Boys and Girls Together
Can't remember very much about it. Sorry. This probably means it was even more naff than Boys and Girls Together which was mostly set in grubby bedsits I seem to recall, but then I was living in one myself at the time.
Re: Boys and Girls Together
It seems we are all of an age. Yes B & G Together was naff, set in bedsits and I recall a scene with a carrot. I dont remember the loobrush but who knows? It really does fall into the nostalgia category. Still would like to get my hands on a copy. Any ideas?
Re: Boys and Girls Together
I have a number of issues of Whitehouse, Playbirds etc from the 1975 to 1985 time frame.