The well published Candise 19 first porn video

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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

The well published Candise 19 first porn video

Post by AdultAuditions »

We have released first time video of a well known face on porn sites since 2008. Cute slim 19 yr old Candise thought up her first scene as hitchiker, and her uk mag model friend was already in car and booked in for her hardcore video.


Also recently released, latest future porn talent, Chelsea 21.
Already shot scripted hardcore video to be released very soon...




Scott trueman
Posts: 2180
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The well published Candise 19 first porn video

Post by puretotty »

Been in porn since 2008, and is only 19... so that would mean she started in the porn industry when she was 16/15 years old... yeah good luck with that one, FAIL !

Posts: 48
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The well published Candise 19 first porn video

Post by AdultAuditions »

If you read it carefully, you will see it is only a video starring a 19yr old from about 2008, not a model available for hire now at 19.
She has not worked since 2009, and will be about 23.
Quick maths lesson lol !
Scott trueman