Female required paid video shoot

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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Female required paid video shoot

Post by bradsenecas »

Hi brad here from kent.

One of my clients is wanting a female of the following look / details for B/G video shoot.

Hair colour not important and if poss tied in 2 pigtails and body size 8-10 shaven pussy, tits any size.

Dressed in satin as in satin pants and bra and then stockings and knee high boots and a satin tight blouse and satin skirt and thick red lipstick and maybe smoking women.

Shoot to last between 1 & 2hrs in kent, date to suit.

Cam guy may also interact just receiving oral pov/gonzo style.

Any girls interested please leave your contact details with your rates

Brad Steer ( Mr G )