Hi there all thanks for all going to see my site ive had quite a good response so far and it seems to be doing my modelling assignments wonders, i have been to bbrent thanks steve for that info your very kind and ive gone to google (its great what you find there i punched my name in and im on a celebrity pix site how cool is that!) and crofter i have to say that yes forumites do know what peoples agendas are on here and personally i think that telling peeps i have a website i built and designed all myself is keeping them infromed on what im doing, yes i admit i dont come on here and post when i have been on mainstream tv, i dont do specials in clubs as i dont dance and i dont do features to tell you all about like loads others but hey i dont like to flood (not exactly what you would call a porn star more a porn babe) well thats got that off my chest hehehe, anyway im back again as im thinking of setting up a webcam on my site ive checked out some places and bearing in mind i dont do plastic (i might have to soon eeek) does anybody know of a free webcam service provider? i have been to pickalady.com but found i wouldnt be able to secure it to my paysite only (i havnt got a dialler by the way) so thats a dead duck! any info would be of great use but i shall continue to hunt or if theres no free ones (i have the cam its a digi panasonic camcorder i have a graphics card that has a vid in so im ok there) but if you know the name of software thats available to buy then i will go to a fave shareware site ang get it. hope you can help me