Laura Hermenson Pix?
Laura Hermenson Pix?
Does anyone have any urls for any sites featuring Laura Hermenson? She's a real cutie, but you don't see much of her compared to big names like chanta rose (who is just as big a cutie, dinnae get me wrong) and michelle thorne.
Re: Laura Hermenson Pix?
How many videos did you do with her and how long after purchase on your web site will they arrive to me in the uk?
Re: Laura Hermenson Pix?
We have two videos with the lovely Laura H and we try to ship in under one week on all orders. Not sure how long the shipping will take but you should have your videos in under 4 weeks max.
Re: Laura Hermenson Pix?
Just out of interest I see that you worked with her on one. Who was with her in the other as their is no description on this site. Could you do a brief scene outline please?
Re: Laura Hermenson Pix?
There is a great set of Laura on my site in the guest section of my site.doing b/g + Anal.
Have fun
Taylor J
Have fun
Taylor J
Re: Laura Hermenson Pix?
i have her also on dvd and still shot from when she began modelling dvd 37 i think it was, not best quailty but what ya expect in hotel room with next to no light!!