Pushing the boundries

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Pushing the boundries

Post by mutanthalibut »

Can anybody tell me of any 18 cert videos/dvds that push the boundries of censorship?

I obtained Ben Dovers Essex Girls (M.I.A bbfc18 cert). In the 1st scene Lee-Anne can clearly be seen in close-up giving Ben hr.Plenty of open leg shots in close-up detail throughout the film.The scene between Sarah and Erica is better than most hard core scenes I've seen.

This is the 1st 18 cert dvd I've seen in a long time and I can't remember any being this explicit.

Does anybody know of any others this explicit?
joe king

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by joe king »

the lovers guides

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by mutanthalibut »

Very True.... But a bit boring and not very erotic and gets away with it on the strength of being educational.There must be others that are non educational, can anybody do better than that?

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by jj »

From a slightly different angle: I've yet to see anything in a h/c porn-film that 'pushes the boundaries' (in this case by making me physically sick) as much as the sort of simulated violence you can see in pretty much any mainstream Hollywood 18-cert. 'action' flick.
As for sex, see discussions here of 'Romance', 'Baise-moi', etc.

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by mutanthalibut »

I've checked out the topics you mentioned and its not at all what I meant romance and rape do nothing for me.
what I meant was sexual explicitness of a bbfc 18 cert film
i.e does it show cunnilingus, felatio explicit, lesbian sex, close-up open leg shots etc.

as for making me physically sick I don't even want to think about it.

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by jj »

None of those (except perhaps the latter) are allowed in 18-cert.: Joe K has provided refs. here before to the exact guidelines.
I was trying above, in my usual ham-fisted way, to point up the pathetic double-standards applied by our self-appointed
'guardians of taste and decency'.........

Re: Pushing the boundries

Post by Pedro »

Try Intamacy, film starring Kerry Fox from Shallow Grave. You actually see BJ and penetration.