sorry if they've been posted before
Amanda Dawkins pics
Re: Amanda Dawkins pics
Stop that sorry crap right this minute
Even if they are old pics..somebody will not have seen doubt...its only the die hards who collect each and every pic who will say...I've already seen that...ignore them
I've never seen them before..which isn't saying much
One of the fitter Brit Babes
Even if they are old pics..somebody will not have seen doubt...its only the die hards who collect each and every pic who will say...I've already seen that...ignore them
I've never seen them before..which isn't saying much
One of the fitter Brit Babes
Re: Amanda Dawkins pics
Reading between the lines...your an ASS man
Nothing personal but I think she looks hot in nearly all of the pics
If your into asses check out
One of the finest brit soft core asses IMHO
Nothing personal but I think she looks hot in nearly all of the pics
If your into asses check out
One of the finest brit soft core asses IMHO
Re: Amanda Dawkins pics
What an absolutely stunning girl, or as my vicar says "Fuckin' Gorgeous". To me she never looked better than the scene with Ben & that lucky bastard Marino. Can anybody think of a better one. I thought the scene she did with Rocco was horrible, she didn't look like she enjoyed it much either. I know she's retired, but does anybody know what she's doing know? If you do, please contact me privately.
Re: o/t Re: Amanda Dawkins pics
Hey Buttsie Babes,
I never knew you liked Amanda. Have you ever seen her Ben Dover scene where she puts her ankles behind her head? If not I think you will soon. She also got my attention with her funny lines. She matched Ben and Marinos one-liners and even managed to get a joke in that went over Bens head.....His mulleted shiney head that is not the purple one he terrorizes girls with.
Magoo (a fan of bendy gymnastic porn stars)
I never knew you liked Amanda. Have you ever seen her Ben Dover scene where she puts her ankles behind her head? If not I think you will soon. She also got my attention with her funny lines. She matched Ben and Marinos one-liners and even managed to get a joke in that went over Bens head.....His mulleted shiney head that is not the purple one he terrorizes girls with.
Magoo (a fan of bendy gymnastic porn stars)
Re: o/t Re: Amanda Dawkins pics
To be honest Magoo I'd never taken much notice of Amanda
especially after seeing the threesome with Kelly Stafford & Rocco
which is to this day the only scene of hers that I have seen
Spending far to much time lusting after the plethora of Brunette Euros...
A joke that went over Bens head...she must be educated
So little many girls
especially after seeing the threesome with Kelly Stafford & Rocco
which is to this day the only scene of hers that I have seen
Spending far to much time lusting after the plethora of Brunette Euros...
A joke that went over Bens head...she must be educated
So little many girls