A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Post by bobsmith »

what a load of bullshit this site is. there i was 30 dollars short waiting for adele stephens or natasha vale vids to be shown. i especially wanted the babes abroad series and got fuck all.

just a bunch of unknowns. what a scam. total rubbish this site is.

o/t Re:

Post by buttsie »

Pop on over to

They've rated the site 85 out of a 100

All I would never assume anything
If the preview site doesn't say shes inside in a video assume she isn't IMHO

Mayfair/MensWorld Editor

Re: o/t Re:

Post by Mayfair/MensWorld Editor »

As someone who works with Viv and also counts him as a friend, I'm going to have to take issue with what you've said, Bob.

If you're looking for someone specific in a video doing hardcore, you're always best to check here on BGAFD first. Otherwise, email Viv's people with a specific request.

Viv produces good quality hardcore stuff (as well as damn fine piccies), and the vast majority of postings I've seen here have been positive comments about his work.
Paul L

Re: o/t Re:

Post by Paul L »

I would like to backup David's comments that the Viv Thomas work is off the highest quality.

On we include the Viv Thomas Video Galleries, and I must say the quality is superb, the girls gorgeous and the settings and scenarios very good.

I don't know about his site as I have never been a member, but the Video Galleries include some very well known girls, and all I can guess is that I am sure he keeps the very best stuff for his site, or at least releases it on his own site first, so I am sure the site is off excellent quality as well.

Anyway, that's just my opinion.


Paul L


Post by Kryten »

Well for what its worth, i'll echo the initial posters comments and some more.

I thought the place was gonna be crammed with British totty getting a good seeing to. OK there was plenty of Sammy-Jane and a few others, i mean a few, thats it. MOST of the girls are East European girls, some admittedly gorgeous, but that is NOT what i joined for, a BIG disappointment.

The customer service was pants, i joined and was not able to get access for 3 days, despite repeated e-mails. Eventually i called a number in the USA, the billing company who resolved the issue. I then e-mailed again, asking if they were going to extend my membership, and refund the cost of phone calls etc. Not a single word, no replys.

Well i'm quite happy to say out loud that their customers service is crap, absolutely awful, and don't join.... Big black mark sorry...

On the bright side it was updated regularly, but mostsly Hungarian girls, and of course well shot, but thats the only good thing as far as i'm concerned..


o/t Re:

Post by buttsie »

My advise to you the video if thats what you really were after and give the websites the ass

For mine is a great quality site for pics

As my mate JJ will testify...Video is best seen of VHS Video not on high quality streaming broadmand video which in a lot of cases isn't downloadable

Dr No


Post by Dr No »

Scam-A-Rama! What a swizz! Looks like been employing the time honoured technique of suggesting that their site will be chock-a-block with the kind of top Brit models that you REALLY want to see, doing all the kinds of erotic stuff that you always assumed those girls were to elevated to be seen doing in public! But in reality they?ve padded it out with cheap (though pretty) Hungarian chicks! My mate P R Mann would be proud of 'em! I notice that most of those who rushed to the defence of have some kind of direct or indirect commercial interest. Rumbled!

Dr No.

Re: o/t Re:

Post by jj »

I don't touch downloaded vid stuff. The quality is usually dire.
And before anyone starts, I'm not prepared to shell out 1000s on kit to make it OK.


Post by woodgnome »

this site has now been added to the Pay Sites - British category, in the links section.

would any potential reviewers please read the guidelines for posting carefully, to ensure that nothing put forward has to be sent back for resubmission.


Post by jj »

....should make for intesting reading ;-o