Attn: Buttsie

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Attn: Buttsie

Post by jj »

Don't say it.
Don't say ANYTHING.............

Re: Attn: Buttsie

Post by magoo »

It may be none of my business but as you chose to post on a public forum rather than email him then I think perhaps you obviously wish the forumites to be curious about what you are on about.

Me, I have no curiosity. Explain if you wish but otherwise I wont lose much sleep wondering what you were on about. I can guess already.

Re: Attn: Buttsie

Post by magoo »

And yes I am in a bad mood and perhaps being a bit snappy due to tiredness so I am going to watch some TV instead of hanging around here talking bollocks and getting more tetchy.


Re: Attn: Buttsie

Post by jj »

Hmmmm......rum do, what?

Re: Attn: Buttsie

Post by magoo »

I dont drink rum. It rots the teeth.

Re: Attn: Buttsie

Post by Lizard »

And causes severe hair loss.hence the saying "thats a bloody rum haircut"

Re: A Grade Farce-due to the FA Cup

Post by buttsie »

That only a handful of things now for us Aussies to beat you at competition Fishing,

We're sending Rex Hunt very afraid
Kisses Fish more often than his wife


and Porn...can't see Australia getting anywhere near Brit Porn ever if Ken Guru and his feral f..cksluts are anything to go by

magoo (c/o jj)

One Big FACup.............

Post by magoo (c/o jj) »

Magoo is currently incommunicado due to an unfortunate incident involving a terrapin and a large black pudding.
He does, however, extend his apologies to his esteemed Colonial cousin Buttsei and hopes that he has received the two tapes of The Young Ones which were posted prior to his recent admission to the John Howard Home for Jaded and Bewildered Forumites.

[dictated from his hospital bed to jj this day, 13th of February, in the Year of Our Lord 2003, by the Reverend Ernest McGoo, Buddhist Temple of Ongar (Mind the Gap, Fares Please)]

o/t Re: The Young Ones

Post by buttsie »

Not as yet Reverend....C & E are probably having a chuckle
in between probing Shane W.rne & the Rolling Stones for any drugs.

Unfortunate title "The Young Ones" in a porn sense
Should point out for the authorities reading the tapes are about Adolescents with infantile brains...thank god no sex is involved

The PEOPLES POET having sex...disgusting


Re: o/t Re: The Young Ones

Post by magoo »

Keep your eye on the post Buttsie(

The Peoples Poet is about to make a performance Down Under. You should have got it days ago. I blame Her Majestys Royal Mail because Oz Post are faster. And watch The Holy Grail first then you will understand why I said your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberrys.