Absolutely/totally O/T

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Absolutely/totally O/T

Post by marcusallen »

As, I assume, quite a lot of you guys "surf the net" and are fimialiar with where to find things;
Tell you what I am looking for:

A site that is taken seriously by our Masters (!) be they the Govt, MI5/6, or any other pressure group that has real influence. (NOT hippies, do-gooders etc etc etc.)

The purpose is to give them my solution to most of the problems of the world. (Nearly, if not all, religious--or at least "in the name of...."

Since this site is monitored by same, said, AUTHORITIES, the gist of my proposition is extreme/terminal violence against ALL religious fanatics, arms dealers (primary and secondary)
be they Govt (whichever) sanctioned) or otherwise.

SERIOUS advice re said sites sought and thanks given in advance

Before it is asked why I post this and am I sober etc., the reason is simple:

Sex, booze and rock'n roll should be the
important things in life in life, not what the MURDEROUS ASSHOLES who dictate our lives for purpose of power/greed/meglomania etc.

I will rant no more, but please, refer to my request above.

Re: Absolutely/totally O/T

Post by jj »


Re: Absolutely/totally O/T

Post by magoo »

Try the message boards at the BBCs site. All manner of serious topics for you to comment on there often related to items in the news etc. Stay away from the board at Melonfarmers as its a nest of cretins as you probably noticed when you appealed for help re your battle against the bbfc.

I got involved in your post last friday about war and George Dubya and his pet poodle Tony and we both got deleted. Quite right for Alec to nuke us really as it was grossly o/t but probably more interesting than all the dross tonight about TM etc which niether informs about porny things or stimulates the readers minds.

Re: Absolutely/totally O/T

Post by marcusallen »

Thanks chaps,
I will do my bit tomorrow.
Magoo, I do not remember our bit about "Young Son/Pretender", must have been a bit heavy & totally O/T!!! Probably tue, but quite rightly, out of place herein.

On a ligher note, before The Chairman throws me off this thing and packs me off to bed, I wish one and all;-

happy wanking/shagging or whatever, and long may we remain in control of the Universe.

Re: Absolutely/totally O/T

Post by artiste »

I've only just read this post concerning the ills of the world and the simple ways to overcome them.

I was literally thinking on this very topic this morning...ie that we are all hung up on horrendous events and , on the other side, by trivia in our daily lives.

BUT, one glimpse of a stiff dick enjoying itself with a gloriously beautiful girl, and we get ourselves in a huge moral maze!!!!!!

Long live porn, sex (and booze if that's what turns you on too)

We should be allowed to enjoy what we want to enjoy (18+ of course!!)

So, feel free to let those who rule in our name "what's what".
The laugh is that many of them will be "at it" in some way or another!!