Dear All,
For the C4 project we're also very keen to speak to men and women who are porn fans. Does using porn play a big part in your life? Can you explain its attractions (beyond the obvious)? If you're interested in talking about it please call me or my colleague Laura on 020 7378 6106, or e-mail All calls will be treated in the strictest confidence. Thanks.
Chris Kelly
Century Films
PS About all the responses to my last posting: there's no doubt about it, some documentary film-makers have pulled the wool over contributors' eyes in the past. We're not intending to do the same. We're making a factual drama that's going to experiment with form and performance, and hopefully express something more subtle and thoughtful about porn than your average. Your input would be much appreciated.
Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Good luck, Chris. You'll find a very cynical bunch on this forum!
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Cynical with good reason - but if the end product lives up to Chris's pledges then rest assured that he will be carried shoulder-high through the streets of old London town by a crowd of delighted perverts. And what more could he wish for...
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
"Can you explain its attractions (beyond the obvious)?"
Er, well, generally it gives you a warm glow all over, makes your knob throb with delight and in many instances can prove to be profoundly satisfying. So, all in all, it's a dam good thing I would say.
Don't look for deeper, pretentious, sociological explanations for porn, there are none, it is what it is. It simply fulfils a hardwired need for erotic stimulation. Sorted.
Officer Dibble.
Er, well, generally it gives you a warm glow all over, makes your knob throb with delight and in many instances can prove to be profoundly satisfying. So, all in all, it's a dam good thing I would say.
Don't look for deeper, pretentious, sociological explanations for porn, there are none, it is what it is. It simply fulfils a hardwired need for erotic stimulation. Sorted.
Officer Dibble.
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Chris, couldn't you just bring back 'Food And Drink' instead?
That Jilly Goolden always did it for me!
That Jilly Goolden always did it for me!
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
You have said it all,Officer Dibble!...
Leaving it like that I would say we could wrap the programme up within a few minutes,just after the Ch.4 news they have a space!
Leaving it like that I would say we could wrap the programme up within a few minutes,just after the Ch.4 news they have a space!
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Yes, dogs and logs. Logs and dogs.
I always thought Oz Clarke over-rated myself. You should get that Kenneth Kingdom chap to do you a monthly piece on fine wines. Or get Serena back in to do one on 'fine whines'.
I always thought Oz Clarke over-rated myself. You should get that Kenneth Kingdom chap to do you a monthly piece on fine wines. Or get Serena back in to do one on 'fine whines'.
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
You've made some fair points there Officer but what about those of us who like to practice safe sex.
I mean how much safer can you get than being by yourself and not involving anyone else?
I mean how much safer can you get than being by yourself and not involving anyone else?
Re: Channel 4 real-life drama: men
Never mind Food & Drink, what about Clapperboard? Supercalafragilsticexpealidotious.
Shock !! Horror !!
We agree.
Off to read the Grauniad now, have a double-decaff latte, buy some quiche, and get ready for my Hatha Yoga class........
Off to read the Grauniad now, have a double-decaff latte, buy some quiche, and get ready for my Hatha Yoga class........