Daily Sport Gangbang
Daily Sport Gangbang
Nice to see our friend Mr Sullivan coining it in from 0906 numbers,from people hoping to take part in the UK's biggest gangbang. I say "coining it in" because the advertised ladies, being one "Sandie Lane"? and Faye Rampton are NOT actually taking part! Sandie's yahoo group says that it is a political thing why she isn't doing it and yet still DS chooses to tell everyone that they are still taking part! I must say that if Sandie decides to do another one, whether it be newspaper advertised, or yahoo group advertised, I, for one will definitley be there, cos the girl gives a mean blowjob & boy does she love it in the face! Keep up the good work Sandie & Boll***s to DS!
Re: Daily Sport Gangbang
sandie and faye were going to do the gang bang but pulled out after it had already been promoted in the paper .
i can tell you it is going to happen but with a change of models
we now have susan marie and autum
regards phil
i can tell you it is going to happen but with a change of models
we now have susan marie and autum
regards phil
Re: Daily Sport Gangbang
You've got Autumn? When you say "we" are you connected with the paper?
Re: Daily Sport Gangbang
Hi Guys,
Yes I will be taking part in this wonderful event along with the lovely Susan Marie so, buy yourselves the paper and come along!!
Yes I will be taking part in this wonderful event along with the lovely Susan Marie so, buy yourselves the paper and come along!!
Re: Daily Sport Gangbang
Ooops sorry wrong user name on last post!
It was definately from me though.lol
It was definately from me though.lol