ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the C wo

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ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the C wo

Post by dav »

Anyone tell me name of the blonde girl on last night's episode?

Not h/c of course but I always enjoy a girl who talks really dirty and the number of times this babe screamed "fuck my cunt" and did it with real feeling was a joy.

Any ideas ?

On the same point do any of you know any other films / girls that shamelessly use the C word like they really mean it rather than the more americanised (or Mrs Slocombe-esque) "pussy"?

I've heard the delightful Welsh rarebit Kelly Marie has thrown it in a few times, and also Faye Rampton. Any more?

Give me a nice cunt every time!

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by alec »

Jamie Woods.
Officer Dibble

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by Officer Dibble »

I agree about the word "pussy." It's an agreeable word but far to cuddly and fluffy to be erotic. Cunt, twat and even fanny feel far more potent.


Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by magoo »

Ah, so I am not the only forumite who likes to hear use the c-word.

Lorraine Ansell uses it a fair bit and I have an HGP solo tape with Stephanie Collins talking about her cunt. But I would recommend the Guttermouths series from JM Productions. See the films section for details of the ones with brits in. Sabrina Johnson nearly always says cunt in her films (I have lots of films where she says it) and she is in vols 8 & 22 using phrases such as "fuck my sweaty cunt" and "I am a dirty bitch who likes her cunt and arse filled" she does a bit of potty-mouthing direct to camera and taunts the viewer. Vol 22 also has Hannah Harper and Rebecca Lee who both also use "cunt" a lot. Hannahs even says "fuck my whore-hole" which for some reason I found amusing rather than sexy but her scene was great. Three Brits in vol 22 all use the c-word but IIRC all the Yank girls use the boring and innoffensive word "pussy" which is a pity.

I agree "pussy" is a crap word and carries no impact. And Dibbles reply has reminded me that the word fanny is hardly ever used in porn. In fact I can only recall hearing it used in one scene which was Jane Silverstones Ben Dover scene. Anyone else heard fanny being used in a film?

English swearing is far more colourfull than American swearing. We have numerous words for genitals but most of them are so silly they would cause laughter rather than arousal. For example if one of my favourite girls started saying "flange","fur burger" or "mingepiece" would make me piss myself laughing especially if she then said "shove your spam-javellin in my hairy pie". I am getting silly now. I blame Viz comic for my juvenile sense of humour.

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by steve56 »

ifind the c-word exciting,stimulating and sexy when used when making love or foreplay,im glad im not the only one that likes it.

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by »

Wow, that's a coincendence, we've just ordered screeners of both Parts 1 & 2 of that series, from Tabu. The Hardcore versions of course. Video and DVD.

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by jj »

A lot of women find 'cunt' and 'twat' offensive (except perhaps when 'in the throes', and they are too often used derogatively, male-to-male .
'Fanny' is childish, so could be used during foreplay, but 'I'm going to stick my love-truncheon right up your f.' just sounds hysterical.
Which leaves 'pussy' as the All-Purpose Choice for The Man of Today.......unless one hails from those regions where 'flange' is the order of the day. You know who you are.......

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by jj »

Whereas I blame your juvenile sense of humour for Viz magazine.

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by dav »

Cheers chaps - glad to learn I am not the only one! It really floats my boat I don't mind telling you.

Magoo I'll have a root around for the titles you listed and no doubt enjoy the visual and aural excitement on offer.

Thanks very much.

Re: ID pls - TVX - Mind of a Horny Woman (and the

Post by magoo »

JJ dont you think "pussy" is even more childish? And as for women finding certain words offensive well thats tough shit. If I said I found "cock" offensive would women stop saying it? Anyway most women find porn offensive full stop so a few extra bits of swearing are hardly going to offend them more. Anyway the wimmin shouldnt be watching porn if they find the rude words too upsetting for thier delicate little ears.

Magoo (author of The Joy Of Sexism)