O/T DVD recorders

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Arnold Layne

O/T DVD recorders

Post by Arnold Layne »

I wonder if anyone can help, I know absoloutley nothing about DVD recorders, can you guys help? I was thinking of buying one, and have been offered a panasonic DMRE 30, will this let me record anything on it from any source? tia

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by magoo »

There is currently a format war going on similar to the betamax versus VHS battle in the 80's. I would wait to see who wins because discs recorded on one format will not play on machines of the other format just like trying to play a vhs tape in a betamax machine (not that it would fit in the slot of course)

But yes you can record from any source AFAIK.
mike johnson

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by mike johnson »

I have a US mag, newest issue, that raves about the internal Sony DRU-500A (list $400 US).Said to support all competing formats & a good software bundle; fast, too. "...simply the best deal among all the DVD burners we've tested." Incompatible w/ Macs tho.
Big K!

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by Big K! »

I own a Pioneer DVR-7000... uses the format DVD-R/DVD-RW. I am more than happy with this machine, although expensive.

It is also worth waiting for prices to drop for hardware. I notice that the Panasonic and Philips machines can be purchased cheaper than others at the moment, but this maybe a push to promote their format, which is not necessarily the best.

Blank media can be purchased reasonably cheaply now, if you look around. DVD-R's 59p / DVD-RW's ?4.
Phil McC

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by Phil McC »

Go +R. I have and can't find anything it won't play in. Including playstation2,,,think about it if it plays in that it will never be useless, also my pressing house make glass masters from +R or DLT and don't plan to change. I think the safe bet is +R. We bought a Ricoh and are using Pinacle software which I can also recommend (a child could use it).

Phil McC
joe king

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by joe king »

-r-rw seems to have some problems with it

url thanks to 1-eyed-jacks

Big K!

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by Big K! »

An un-biased view of the comparison of formats is needed. Anyone have any links?
mike johnson

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by mike johnson »

Correction:list price of the Sony was $350 US.

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by mart »

Lets hope this time the winner turns out to be the best; crying shame that betamax lost out to vhs.

Arnold Layne

Re: O/T DVD recorders

Post by Arnold Layne »

the dvd recorder I was offered uses dvd ram and dvd rw, can anyone explain? is this what you mention Phil?