Amanda Dawkins ?
Amanda Dawkins ?
Does anyone know if Ms. Dawkins is still involved in 'the business' ?
Re: Amanda Dawkins ?
Last I heard she was long gone (shame!) but those more in the know will no doubt comment
Re: Amanda Dawkins ?
I'm sure I heard she wasn't doing b/g - sorry I should have been clearer
o/t Re: Amanda Dawkins ?
and the relevance of that to this post is?
If you want to talk about Vicki holloway post a New Topic
If you want to talk about Vicki holloway post a New Topic
Re: Amanda Dawkins ?
Yep she has done HC. Once on Ben Dover Vid and once for Score Magazine. For the more softer kind she has been film on Foina Copper Video as well.
In The Getaway
The last I saw of the future Mrs Holden McGroyn was a credit on the PS2 game, The Getaway.
She is credited as Layla. She plays a stripper but her face is not used. Apparently the makers of the game asked her to do a pole dancing session that they could capture and turn into a non playing character.
But on a particular mission where you raid a Yardie crack den, there are pictures on the walls showing Amanda from that foto set from the bedroom where she is wearing pink.
Amanda...I salute you in full erectness.
Still.....Holden McGroyn
She is credited as Layla. She plays a stripper but her face is not used. Apparently the makers of the game asked her to do a pole dancing session that they could capture and turn into a non playing character.
But on a particular mission where you raid a Yardie crack den, there are pictures on the walls showing Amanda from that foto set from the bedroom where she is wearing pink.
Amanda...I salute you in full erectness.
Still.....Holden McGroyn
Re: In The Getaway
....I take it she will, upon the happy matrimonial event, retain
her maiden name?
her maiden name?