Sex Laws.

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Sex Laws.

Post by marcusallen »

Having carefully read/scrutnised the posts clarifying the new sex laws, I have come, very reluctantly, to a decision:
I AGREE with our betters and masters. It is utter disgusting filth and should carry a LIFE Sentence.Purveyors/Petprtators of this vile trade such as:
Phil McCavity
One-|Eyed Jack
John Mason
Hard Core Harry
and others too numerous to mention.
AND I include a certain "Chairman Miaow" who masquerades as Marcuallen.

If there was a real and genuine system of justice in our fair land, they would all be hanged from the highest yardarm to the warm applause of all decent minded citizens who quite naturally feel as THEY do, that sex is absolutely/firmly/totally DISGUSTING.

The real Marcus Allen, not a furry facsimile.

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Shaun? »

Once these evil purveyors of porn have been locked up, who will be left? Marcus Allen who also is in the same line of business, I think the matter, should it occur be referred to the monoploies comission :?)

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Lizard »

Whats brought on this "road to Damascus" convertion MA, you,ll be door knocking for the young Consevatives soon! have you lost your mind/medication, what does Walker have to say about this,
also can I have your private porn stash as you obviously wont be needing it anymore.Oh, and I need a decent camera as well!
My advice for what it,s worth, have a lie down for a while,pour yourself a "jw" or four and rethink, your public needs you!why deprive all those nubile young ladies,of your charm and elequence.
There,s enough conflict in the world without you going mad,
Your an artist Marcus, go create.....

Lizard.(his cups always half full)

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by marcusallen »

Liz, In all humility, I thank you for your kind remarks and generous tone.
In light of your comment, I have communed with The Chairman AND
Sir J walker and the decision of The Board is that I made a fast/impulsive decxision( as CEO's do) was out of ofder and The Company will continue to corrupt the popukation.
On your head beit.
(under great pressure)
Marcus Allen Esq.

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by jj » of you needs de-clawing, methinks, or a dose of castor-oil......
And I don't mean the puddy-tat.
Slainte and lechayim.

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Lizard »

Thank christ for that!there,s not many of you left, do I still get the stash and the camera though?

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Lizard »

" Slainte and lechayim." are they football pundit,s? I,m confused (as a newt)

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by jj »

Latest additions to the Chelsea squad.
Chairman Mio

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Chairman Mio »

Having just been tho a 3rd degree from The \Chairman, I have reconsidered my posiyion. Under orders from said |Chairman,
THE BOARD still consider tnbat the above mentioned prveyors of nasty disgsuting content of a sexual nature should be imprisonmened for life BUT, We of the more delicate and feline nature, shall continue to purvey.
Trust that makes the position clear.
No more "Human discission needed"
Phil McC

Re: Sex Laws.

Post by Phil McC »

Eh bit heavy for me but I think I am guilty as charged, I will stick to shooting in public toilets like the Loraine Ansell shoot I done,

Phil McC (The Acused)