O/T uni and college students modelling

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T uni and college students modelling

Post by Jamie »

Hi Guys

I need some help. Im a amateur photographer wishing to get into doing amateur adult photographer. My idea is for a album/ collection to ? be published of college and uni female students stripping. How would I go about doing this. What would be the4 best approach for models?



Re: O/T uni and college students modelling

Post by Knobby »

I wouldn't advise hanging by the gates, if they get offended they may well set they rugby playing mates on you!!!!!!!

Re: O/T uni and college students modelling

Post by Fuji »

Wot! real students? Try putting an ad on the campus motice board. That should guarantee you a visit from the PC brigade, angry mates & possibly the old bill! Nah, only joking, just try the normal model agencies/forums, it'll be a lot safer! & lets face it, it'll cost you just the same.

Re: O/T uni and college students modelling

Post by Knobby »

I'll leave the firt idea well alone I think. Anybody got any realiable model agencies or forums all the ones I try seem to come up with porn and more porn. Which is fine but not what i want!!!!