I was going through an old email account which I never use and found two emails from MSN inviting me to verify that email addy for a netpass. It said if I had not applied for a pass (which I didnt) then someone else must have put my email addy forward and I should register straight away to stop them using my addy. The strange thing is these emails were right at the back before the oldest message which was the one welcoming me when I opened the account. They were undated and because they went straight to the back of my inbox rather than the front I have no idea when or why they were sent. Its very odd for new messages to be placed at the "oldest" part of an inbox. I just ignored them rather than follow the advice to register to prevent someone else using my addy as it sounded like typical scare tactics to get me to sign up. I would have thought a company the size of Microsoft would be above such tawdry practices.
Any of you boffins got any experience of this?
O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
Re: O/T MSN Just to Clarify
They said someone must have REGISTERED my addy as their own. Should this be a cause for concern? Sounds like bullshit to me.
Re: O/T MSN Just to Clarify
Well I've said before that I did have an old e-mail hijacked before - used for spamming. So it can happen - whether you should worry about it - since there's nothing you can do about it I don't see the point of worrying about it. I certainly wouldn't bother registering with Mr Gates...
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
If your not a member you are right its probably just to get you to sign up and possibly in doing that you will give them permission to use your email address in lists that they onsell.
Its possible someone has signed up using your email address
in which case you should be receiving spam already?
Its possible someone has signed up using your email address
in which case you should be receiving spam already?
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
I have not had any spam Buttsie. Or any emails that were not expected. I would have expected to recieve some if someone was using my addy to sign up to groups, communities etc.
Crimpo your obviously also not a fan of Billy Boy either. He seems rather an unpopular millionaire even more so than little Davey Sullivan. I wonder if there are any popular rich gits out there? Richie Branson? No forget I said that.
Crimpo your obviously also not a fan of Billy Boy either. He seems rather an unpopular millionaire even more so than little Davey Sullivan. I wonder if there are any popular rich gits out there? Richie Branson? No forget I said that.
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
That being the case...delete it and forget it
MSN is actually worse than Yahoo apart form the picture size
They must have got the email addy from a list
Well RB is a Virgin so you'd think he'd be popular
MSN is actually worse than Yahoo apart form the picture size
They must have got the email addy from a list
Well RB is a Virgin so you'd think he'd be popular
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
Fiscally tight by all accounts...probably still got his first penny.
Who was that guy that he took to the cleaners over the rights to Mull Of Kintyre.....Denny?
Who was that guy that he took to the cleaners over the rights to Mull Of Kintyre.....Denny?
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
Dunno about that, he just winds me up. And don't even get me started on that twat Bono......
Re: O/T MSN.com Netpass thingy
If you got that mail from Microsoft, then you or someone using your email address tried to sign up for a .Net Passport. Microsoft would not send mail unless you had given prior permission and would not sell your email address to a 3rd Party.