Linsey Dawn MacKensie on ITV 1
Linsey Dawn MacKensie on ITV 1
Linsey Dawn MacKensie is on Girls Behaving Badly on ITV 1 tonight at 10.35pm. Repeated on ITV 2 Thursday 10.00pm.
Re: Linsey Dawn MacKensie on ITV 1
great spoke to her last november at erotica,lets hope in back in time and to think iwas going to have an early night tonight
As linsey made another H/C
Hi there, Have not been on the net for a while i have just read that linsey has made another H/C movie. I think its called H/C busty anal lovers or lesbian anal debut. I am thinking of buying it so if anyone who has watched it, could you please let me know what its like is it H/C and who else stars in it.thanks fred
Re: As linsey made another H/C
ive got lesbo seduction,hardcore debut and busty anal lovers all on vhs make me an offer via my email
Re: As linsey made another H/C
linseys only done the one h/c vid b/g,all the others are gg or soft.
Re: Linsey Dawn MacKensie on ITV 1
well, it was nice to see linsey looking sheepish and blaming her husband for her hardcore film debut. i suppose he got to keep all the money aswell, eh, linsey?
intresting to see life at home with the barry's, too. is it me or is the west country accent thee most inoffensive accent in the world??? i mean, if i heard saddam hussain saying "we will kill all you infidel scum" in a broad west country accent i'd just want to give him a big hug and say "awwwwww, who's all gwumpy, then, eh,"
hasn't cathy got a great figure, aswell. she really is the picture of health.
intresting to see life at home with the barry's, too. is it me or is the west country accent thee most inoffensive accent in the world??? i mean, if i heard saddam hussain saying "we will kill all you infidel scum" in a broad west country accent i'd just want to give him a big hug and say "awwwwww, who's all gwumpy, then, eh,"
hasn't cathy got a great figure, aswell. she really is the picture of health.
Re: Linsey Dawn MacKensie on ITV 1
Cathy did look good, but her husbands mullet in a ponytail looked VERY 1980's!!! The accent really was sweet and making her kids sandwiches with teddy bear spam was touching. I imagine that when Cathy said 'kids at school know about her', the PTA meetings are full with a queue of 'dads' straining to attend!!
Re: West Country Accents
Fred and Rose West spring to mind.............and Bomber from Auf Weidershen, Pet.