successors to Charmaine
successors to Charmaine
Everyone knows Charmaine Sinclair will never be bettered, but can anyone recommend any other "talented" UK black performers - and possibly a few links (!)
Re: successors to Charmaine
Krissy is new to the scene. She performed with the lovely Sandie Caine at a bukakke party on Thursday. I predict a bright future for this young lady who attended BGAFD 2 and bowled everyone over with her manners, attitude and style. A star in the making!!
Re: successors to Charmaine
Been working with the gorgeous Kym all this weekend....she's a star. Great to work with, fantastic attitude and personality.
Re: successors to Charmaine
Yup - agree with that one - she has a marvellous dirty laugh too!
Re: successors to Charmaine
message to ace:iagree with you entirely about krissy,shes also a great dancer.
Re: successors to Charmaine
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Re: successors to Charmaine
You cant beat Amanda White, Ayo Bokkini's also worth a look
o/t Re: successors to Charmaine
Everyone knows Charmaine Sinclair will never be bettered
Pure bollocks mate...try taking a holiday in the West Indies and you will soon find out Charmaine is Average at best there
Its just the fact that she happenened to be one of very few of her kind that made her stand out...and as for her h/c b/g perormances...never to bettered...give me a break
PS For the record I think she has an Ace body but to say that someone else of similar stature will never appear is pure poppy cock
Pure bollocks mate...try taking a holiday in the West Indies and you will soon find out Charmaine is Average at best there
Its just the fact that she happenened to be one of very few of her kind that made her stand out...and as for her h/c b/g perormances...never to bettered...give me a break
PS For the record I think she has an Ace body but to say that someone else of similar stature will never appear is pure poppy cock