i downloaded the cathy barry & pete scene mentioned here a couple of days ago. However, all i get is sound and no picture.
i presume i have to download a "codec" or summink to get this to work. can anyone supply a link to a download (and a name for what i need) as i havent the foggiest!!!
Thanks in advance
vid question, please help
Re: vid question, please help
Sounds like you need the DivX codec - a search on google will find plenty of places to get it from. You can also get a nice viewer from DivX which is now my viewer of choice for the relevant clips
Re: vid question, please help
My problem is (apart from the obvious) that although I can download mpeg's from sites like Worldsex/Freeheaven eyc, I cannot view or download any mpeg's from Yahoo groups...any ideas chaps? Please help!
Re: vid question, please help
Hmmn - could just be that the sites are busy - try one morning before work. Otherwise I downloaded a lot last night just by right click/save target (rather than with my Download Manager)