Age-old Question? OT

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Age-old Question? OT

Post by Libby »

Why is it OK for a (very) mature man to perform with young beauties but a (very) mature woman is scorned, for the same thing? Surely beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that jazz. Most old men show just as many signs of their age as women!!

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by Lizard »

Who says anyone scorns! bring it on..
I hope your not refering to Marcus, he,s not old,just had a hard life so far, well VERY hard.

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by jj »

....yeah, he's only 23, you know.
Let that be a warning to all you young Lochinvars.........
P R Mann

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by P R Mann »

"Scored?" Our clients lap them up - so long as they are ?natural? with nothing added or taken away.

P R Mann
Joe Dorph

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by Joe Dorph »

Personally, any woman under 45 is too young for my eyes. Anyway, if the woman is into what shes doing, it's always a turn-on whatever her age......and you know that it works for me Libby !!!!!

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by richierich »

I think there is still a big market for mature or very mature ladies with young guys, so get up the good work Libby, by the way when are you and your friend doing the shoot with Ben Dover?

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by Libby »

Yes Joe, I know it wperks for you and for lots of others too!! And you can tell 'em its all natural with nothing added or taken away!!

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by Libby »

It was supposed to be bforeo Zmas but Ben said he was tied up with Eurotica. Now he's not answering my mails so perhaps he's chickened out!! Gotta new series going for "Libby's Admirers" and need more guys for it - young or old!!

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by marcusallen »

As the Mann said "Scorned"? who ever said that.

A couple/three years ago I was at Venus in Berlin and a lady had a stand all to herself (which is expensive). She was about 250lbs and the young dollies would be excused for referring to her make-up as a bit grotesque; a beauty queen she was not.
HOWEVER, her stand never stopped taking money for her own videos, pix, autographs etc and she is extremely successful and a hell of a nice lady to boot.
I have sen your pix Libby and there is no reason on God's earth why you should not be able to do something similar (not that you look anything like her, I hasten to add).
Anything or anyone can be promoted but it rarely happens by accident. If you want something-go get it gal.
I smoke far too many strong French cigarettes -simply because I like them and what anyone else thinks of them or any of my other habits is immaterial to me.
There is a moral in there: "To each his/her own". This applies equally well to the large thread below.

I believe in equality and a young/old combo evens things out!
Anyway, I'd make a lousy toyboy.

Re: Age-old Question? OT

Post by Libby »

I don't just go for toy-boys Marcus!!!! But thanks for your encouragement - last time Iposted on here I was slagged off somthing rotten by some of the guys - not all I must hasten to add! I intend to make it happen this year - I would love to have a stand like hers!
Love you all