My tuppennyworth

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

My tuppennyworth

Post by Wendy »

It's all gone off tonight hasn't it?

I've been looking at the posts from Autumn, Jason et al and it's spurred me on to say something that me biting my tongue has prevented me from doing for quite a while.

Look guys, everyone is entitled to their opinion and each of us have different tastes. There are porn girls out there who wouldn't dream of posting on the forum in a million years because they can't be bothered/think they're above that sort of thing/are two prissy/don't want to get involved with the 'punters'/are too thick/think you're all idiots/don't like you/don't like men/don't know about it* (*delete as applicable)

I don't know what insults have been thrown about tonight and nor do I want to but everyone should cherish the girls who make legitimate posts here and converse with people like human beings. Give them the credit and respect they deserve and don't put those that don't on some sort of pedestal.

As I've said before, without girls there'd be no porn and without girls this forum wouldn't be as good and you'd all be talking to yourselves. Similarly the guys that run this forum deserves great credit.

To paraphrase Autumn...Be Nice!

Wendy XXX

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by steve56 »

good for you wendy

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Jason »

"As I've said before, without girls there'd be no porn..."

Yeah but you seem to be forgetting that without the porn buying public there would be no industry and therefore no jobs for the you and others, no industry and this site wouldnt exist either.

The industry does not revolve around any one section but it relies on all the different parts to come together (no pun intended!) to make it a success.

So which is the most important part of the jigsaw? Well I guess its a chicken and egg situation but in my opinion the customer is always right and as a wannabe producer I make what I think the public wants. If that means I shoot 50 year olds then so be it but right now I think the public wants new fresh talent and there is a real shortage at the minute in the UK.


(And yeah I am in a provocative mood tonight in case anyone is wondering why I have suddenly become so confrontational!)
Chairman Miaow

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Chairman Miaow »


Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Wendy »

OK Jason your points about the 'chicken and the egg' about 'fresh new talent' have some validity. The same however could be said about people like you making a judgement about the porn buying public wanting new talent.

You strike me as someone with strong opinions. As Voltaire sort of said I'd defend your right to express those opinions even if I do think you're wrong.

Oh and by the way being a porn actress is just one of my two jobs. Those that know me well know I have another job which is as far removed from porn as you could get. I therefore don't do porn because I have to but rather because I choose to do something I enjoy.

Wendy XXX

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Jason »

The reason I can make statements such as the one on new and fresh talent is that as I make the product if I am wrong it costs me a hell of a lot of money. Therefore I have done my research and I think I am pretty close to the mark, hence, I am not producing anything at the moment due to what I think the excess of mostly stagnant talent in the UK today.

Anyone I have spoken to in this industry and those who contact me (producers and punters) all want to see new and fresh talent - it makes sense if u think about it. Thats not to say that there isn't a market for established performers but the potential for a new girl is much greater than that of an established one.

Your last comment I can't prove or disprove but if it is true then you will be the first performer in this industry I have met who is not in it solely for the money!


Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Wendy »


Firstly I don't think we've ever met and say what you like but DON'T infer that I'm a liar. Notwithstanding that what's wrong with the girls being in it for the money. You seem to be!


Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Jason »

I never infered anything - if I thought you were a liar I would have come out and said so. If you interpreted it that way then thats down to you.

I never said there was anything wrong with anyone being in it for the money but in your post you said you were in the biz because you chose to do something you enjoy and I was commenting that in my experience that was unique.

As much as I would like to make money in this industry and as much as I thought I would when I started I am not - quite the opposite in fact but maybe one day I will. As to whether anyone believes me or not, quite honestly I couldnt care less.

Like I said in an earlier post, if you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.


Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Ace »

Jason, without sounding like were all going to fall out all over again, I would remind you that Wendy is far more respected in this industry than you will ever be, and whatsmore, her views and opinions go a lot further than yours with readers/posters of this forum.

Re: My tuppennyworth

Post by Wendy »

Heat??? What's wrong with a good cogent argument? Oh, on second thoughts I can't be bothered to argue with someone so intransigent. I'm going off to get fucked.

Wendy XXX