Radio 4 porn documentary

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Bill Malone

Radio 4 porn documentary

Post by Bill Malone »

OK, so there was a doc on BBC2, yes, but did you hear the one on Radio 4 about 30 mins before the TV one? That was even better! Everyone came out looking positive. It was mainly US companies but Phil Barry was interviewed, Cathy was mentioned, and there were some hilarious moments as posh voiced 50 something interviewer Peter Day was forced to say "Gang Bang" and "Anal" a lot.

It was called In Business: Porn Again. It's repeated on Radio 4 (92.4 to 94.6 FM or 103.5 to 105 LW), this Sunday at 9.30pm. It's one of the few shows NOT put ont he web for repeat listening, for some reason... but there's info at

Re: Radio 4 porn documentary

Post by pocketrocket »

Yep clocked it hence 'compare and contrast" re Beeb2 post.. came across as sorted strong women in control of destinies - everyone knew what they were involved in..

"Listens should be warned that the next voice you hear will be saying "rude words"' Hilarious.

Re: Radio 4 porn documentary

Post by Crimpo »

God bless Radio - tho it has disadvantages regarding porn! Peter Day is a top broadcaster - has covered numerous industries in a very fair and balanced way - I heard him on another programme and it was obvious that he will be dining out on his day in Vegas for years to come! Look forward to hearing the report and thanks for the heads up on that one
Bill Malone

Re: Radio 4 porn documentary

Post by Bill Malone »

Yeah, I agree, he spounded like a top bloke, actually rather objective, which is a first in a show like this; but his plumby voice suggested he whould find the whole thing a bit below him, but he really didn't. The interviews were very good and everyone came out in a good light.

Remember, it's tonight on Radio 4, at 9.30pm.

Re: Radio 4 porn documentary

Post by Bernie »

Thanks for the link Bill. However the listen again feature DOES work - i'm listening to the doc now.

Just follow Bills ling and click on the "listen to the latest programme" option.
