bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
With the notable exception of the lovely Charmaine Sinclair- much missed !- do I detect a bias against black girls. Yet most of the British lap dancing clubs have a good scattering who seem to do well. I ask the photographers-VivThomas, Leslie Turtle, George Robertson- who say there is no demand by magazine editors, yet black girls are now fully integrated into the cinema viz Halle Berry, the new Bond girl and Selma Hayek,in pop music,Miss Dynamite,cp series, the Bill, and Casulty. So what is this all about; there are some stunners out their ready to reveal all, and I detect a few slightly coffee coloured babes beginning to appear tentively. Are British men afraid of black women- or what?
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
Steve, we've all posted bollocks on this forum, this is one of those posts mate.
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
Do I guess from your post that you hopefully have a black girl lined up for a photoshoot in the near future?
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
I wouldn't mind seeing more attractive black girls in Brit-porn/glamour. On the whole they seem more suitably equipped in the natural tit 'n' bum department than their contempory white counterparts and sex/glamour is basically all about tits 'n' bums (That's a free tip for you there magazine editors and video makers!) However, the odd ones who you get offered by model agencies seem to be all skinny and 34.24.34 - in fact every girl you get sent details of nowadays strangely enough all seem to be 34.24.34, whatever their size and shape. Why is that Mr model agency proprietor? Is that what you think we really desire? Is that what you think geezers need? - Well it ain't. Anyhow, the upshot is that you can't use the black girls you get offered by agencies because they don't on the whole have the physical prerequisites to make our punters reach for their knobs! And this is a shame because as I was driving through Brixton the other week I didn't know where to look it seemed that the street were fair lined with desirable black ladies sporting the most impressive tits and bums I have seen in a while. There is talent out there I've seen it. But there's no point in shooting any black girl you get offered, you'll just be pissing your money away. For this job they have to be obviously sexually attractive and Nikon friendly at the same time (same goes for white girls) Charmeine Sinclair is the classic example of what is required, also the equally delicious Francesca Neeme. It would also be nice to have some beautiful Asian ladies - you know, like those 'Bollywood' types.
Wouldn't have put Selma Hayek in the 'black' category though. I was under the impression she was ethnically Hispanic. What is certain though is that she would have graced any erotic moviemakers production if she displayed the kind of form she had in 'Dusk Till Dawn.'
Once again we get back to magazine editors. They won't to take a chance with something different or interesting in case punters won't buy it. Everyone in every walk of like is becoming so risk averse in our politically correct blame culture that it is stifling art and creativity. That's why every film and pop song is now bland, corporate, and formulaic and basically the same as the one they released previously. Managers are terrified of taking a chance and it bombing then being blamed or of attracting the negative attention of 'The Current Bun' or Daily Mail. Life is becoming dull and grey.
So let's get away from all that with some women of colour. If they are stunningly attractive (like Charmeine or Francesca) then even the most cautious magazine editor (or video maker) would surly chance their arm.
Wouldn't have put Selma Hayek in the 'black' category though. I was under the impression she was ethnically Hispanic. What is certain though is that she would have graced any erotic moviemakers production if she displayed the kind of form she had in 'Dusk Till Dawn.'
Once again we get back to magazine editors. They won't to take a chance with something different or interesting in case punters won't buy it. Everyone in every walk of like is becoming so risk averse in our politically correct blame culture that it is stifling art and creativity. That's why every film and pop song is now bland, corporate, and formulaic and basically the same as the one they released previously. Managers are terrified of taking a chance and it bombing then being blamed or of attracting the negative attention of 'The Current Bun' or Daily Mail. Life is becoming dull and grey.
So let's get away from all that with some women of colour. If they are stunningly attractive (like Charmeine or Francesca) then even the most cautious magazine editor (or video maker) would surly chance their arm.
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
Steve Stevenage wrote:
> With the notable exception of the lovely Charmaine Sinclair-
> much missed !- do I detect a bias against black girls. Yet
> most of the British lap dancing clubs have a good scattering
> who seem to do well. I ask the photographers-VivThomas,
> Leslie Turtle, George Robertson- who say there is no demand
> by magazine editors, yet black girls are now fully integrated
> into the cinema viz Halle Berry, the new Bond girl and Selma
> Hayek,in pop music,Miss Dynamite,cp series, the Bill, and
> Casulty. So what is this all about; there are some stunners
> out their ready to reveal all, and I detect a few slightly
> coffee coloured babes beginning to appear tentively. Are
> British men afraid of black women- or what?
attn steve why dont you scout around for mid80s escorts youll find loads in them.
> With the notable exception of the lovely Charmaine Sinclair-
> much missed !- do I detect a bias against black girls. Yet
> most of the British lap dancing clubs have a good scattering
> who seem to do well. I ask the photographers-VivThomas,
> Leslie Turtle, George Robertson- who say there is no demand
> by magazine editors, yet black girls are now fully integrated
> into the cinema viz Halle Berry, the new Bond girl and Selma
> Hayek,in pop music,Miss Dynamite,cp series, the Bill, and
> Casulty. So what is this all about; there are some stunners
> out their ready to reveal all, and I detect a few slightly
> coffee coloured babes beginning to appear tentively. Are
> British men afraid of black women- or what?
attn steve why dont you scout around for mid80s escorts youll find loads in them.
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
You may have guessed by now that I am a great fan of Indian girls, and thats the only pron I enjoy watching. I hardly have a single white girl's video in my collection apart from the odd 70s/80s one. I guess its all about variety. I just dont have any interest in white girl's porn. Whether its something to do with Indian porn being a lot harder to find I dont't really know, but they just seem to be much more desireable to me. It probably has something to do with the naturalness of videos produced in India - no glamour, no gloss. Also the model bodies that western porn depicts as being the most desireable do not fit in with Indian equivalents. They are more inclined to feature fuller girls, which although are not fat, would be classed as only suitable for reader's wives type stuff in UK. We used to see more fuller white girls in 70s /80s but they are all but gone these days in mainstream porn. Same goes for girls who dont shabe pubic hair. Almost seems to be a requirement that they do it these days, whereas Indians (if not Muslim) dont feel compelled to shave anything, even legs. Its all about naturalness I guess, but Indian girls just do it for me. Black are also preferable to white for me but we just dont see enough dusky girls in porn.
/ok thanks for bothering to read my opinion, hope it wasnt too boring.
/ok thanks for bothering to read my opinion, hope it wasnt too boring.
o/t Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
Its also about who your pitching your product too as well
Having a guess I'd say the majority would be bought by White hence forth the leanings to white girls...Mags probably run by white editors?
I've been led to believe that porn mags are basically bought buy white guys as the black community isn't really into it because it ain't "cool"...i could be wrong
I seem to remember there being all black mags in the eighties
and it was only the really exotic looking black girls that got into the likes of Mayfair and Knave etc
The likes of Charmaine Sinclair,Danielle Massey and Samantha Laurent? were the stand outs that I can remember vivdly
Having a guess I'd say the majority would be bought by White hence forth the leanings to white girls...Mags probably run by white editors?
I've been led to believe that porn mags are basically bought buy white guys as the black community isn't really into it because it ain't "cool"...i could be wrong
I seem to remember there being all black mags in the eighties
and it was only the really exotic looking black girls that got into the likes of Mayfair and Knave etc
The likes of Charmaine Sinclair,Danielle Massey and Samantha Laurent? were the stand outs that I can remember vivdly
Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?
Not at all. You're just another punter confirming what I already know, but you've gone one step further and condensed it all down to? naturalness." Guys, on the whole, just don't fancy shagging pretentious, bland, anaemic looking stick insects whatever colour they are.